Moloch - Manches sollte vergraben bleiben

  • Niederlande Moloch
Trailer 2


Betriek (Sallie Harmsen) lebt mit ihrer Tochter im Haus ihrer Eltern am Rand eines nebligen Moores. Als unweit entfernt eine hunderte Jahre alte Leiche entdeckt wird, startet ein Archäologenteam Ausgrabungen in der Umgebung. Aber manches sollte vergraben bleiben. Schon bald wird die Familie von einem Fremden angegriffen, der scheinbar von etwas Bösem gelenkt wurde. Zusammen mit Jonas (Alexandre Willaume), dem Leiter der Ausgrabungsstätte, versucht Betriek der mysteriösen Bedrohung auf den Grund zu gehen. Doch je tiefer sie gräbt, desto mehr ist sie davon überzeugt, dass etwas Uraltes und Gefährliches ihre Familie jagt... (Splendid Film)


Kritiken (2)

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Englisch Interesting scare from the Dutch. The Dutch don't make many horror films and when they do, they usually aren't worth much. Moloch is one of those lighter moments, but it's still not great. It's a slow and atmospheric folk horror film that has an unusual setting, an interesting ancient curse, solid visuals and some pretty spectacular scares (there are two jump-scares that worked decently for me). Unfortunately, however, it's a bit boring at times and I found the characters very unlikeable and uninteresting, which is where it falls down a bit. It's quite that the haunting comes from normal people again, like in It Follows, it just doesn't grab me as much, but it will definitely find its fans, and since there is a horror drought now, it's recommendable. 5.5/10. ()


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Englisch A fourth star purely because I have a soft spot for this type of film; I can't help it, Moloch simply made me happy. Sometimes all I need is an ancient curse, foggy night swamps, a thick atmosphere and craftsmanship. In this day and age when it's become the norm for even the dumbest B-movie to try to be consciously meta or have social commentary, it's actually refreshing to get a film that's clichéd and ordinary but functional. ()

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