A Man of Reason

Trailer 1


Nach zehn Jahren aus dem Knast kommend, erfährt Soo-hyeok (Jung Woo-sung), dass er eine minderjährige Tochter hat. Um ihretwillen ein normales Leben zu führen, beschließt er, das Verbrechersyndikat zu verlassen, das er sein Zuhause nannte. Boss Eung-gook (Park Sung-woong), der auf Soo-hyeoks Freilassung gewartet hat, fühlt sich betrogen und befiehlt seiner rechten Hand Kang, ihn im Auge zu behalten. Kang hat aber ganz andere Pläne und hetzt Soo-hyeok ein gnadenloses Attentäter-Duo auf den Hals. Diese Killer gehen auf ihre eigene brutale Weise auf die Jagd und schrecken nicht davor zurück, Soo-hyeoks Tochter ins Visier zu nehmen... (Splendid Film)


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Englisch Jung Woo-sung is one of my favorites, so I was curious about his debut. He probably wanted to emulate his colleague Lee Jung-jae, who debuted with Hunt, where they faced each other, but his colleague won. It's not a bad film, there are some good moments, but the it has no real zest and the action is not one of the highlights. The protagonist is released after from prison after ten years, learns that he has a daughter and doesn't want to go back to his previous life as a gangster, he wants to live peacefully, but a jealous henchman from his former boss hires a pair of hit-men to take him out. I didn't like one of the assassins very much, he's a loudmouth dork who has some skill but his behaviour is too over-the-top, and I'm a bit disappointed that the whole film is mainly just about the duel between the main character and those two, it would be much more interesting if the protagonist went up against the whole criminal organisation, there were some interesting cronies. There is one decent fight in the finale and a good car chase in a tunnel, even so I can't shake the feeling that the potential was much higher. 6/10. ()