
The spring of 1794 was boiling in Poland. General Tadeusz "Kos" Koÿciuszko returns to the country and plans to start an uprising against the Russians, mobilizing the Polish nobility and peasants to do so. He is accompanied by his faithful friend and former slave, Domingo. Following Koÿciuszko's trail, along with an arrest warrant, is the ruthless Russian captain Dunin, who wants to capture the general at all costs before he starts a national rebellion. At the same time, a young peasant, Ignac, a noble bastard, dreams of being granted a coat of arms and property by his illegitimate parent, Duchnowski, who includes him in his will just before his death. When his father dies, the boy has to run away from his half-brother Stanisÿaw, who does not want to allow his father's will to be fulfilled. Ignac steals the will and has only two days to appear in court with it and prove his nobility. While escaping, he meets Domingo. A strong bond of understanding is created between the men, even though both of them do not know each other's language. Together they go to Puÿkownikowa's manor, where Koÿciuszko is hiding, waiting for negotiations with the magnates. Kos is distrustful of Ignac and keeps him in custody, but at the decisive moment the fate of the uprising will lie in the hands of an inconspicuous noble bastard. When the moment of test comes, Ignac will have to choose - whether to continue following his dream of the coat of arms and his father's legacy, or to join Koÿciuszko and fight with him for the highest stakes. (TVP)

