Kinds of Kindness

  • Großbritannien Kinds of Kindness (mehr)
Trailer 4


Kinds of Kindness is a triptych fable, following a man without choice who tries to take control of his own life; a policeman who is alarmed that his wife who was missing-at-sea has returned and seems a different person; and a woman determined to find a specific someone with a special ability, who is destined to become a prodigious spiritual leader. (Searchlight Pictures US)


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Trailer 4

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alle Kritiken

Deutsch Lanthimos’ entschiedene Abkehr von seinen letzten Mainstream-Filmen. Er weiß, dass wir ihm alles aus der Hand fressen. Ein dekadentes Rätsel, das an die stickigen Gespräche von P. T. Anderson oder sein frühes griechisches Werk erinnert, jedoch mit Hollywood-Stars und in einem amerikanischen Setting. Mit dem Thema und den am besten ausgearbeiteten Charakteren fesselt uns die erste Geschichte meisterhaft von der ersten Sekunde an. Die zweite verunsichert und die dritte, in Verbindung mit den vorherigen beiden, lädt zur Diskussion am runden Tisch ein. Die mysteriöse, unerklärte Nebenfigur R.M.F., um die sich die Geschichten drehen, ist wahrscheinlich das Alter Ego des Regisseurs selbst (gespielt von seinem griechischen Freund Yorgos Stefanakos) und stellt eine Metapher für sein Durchwandern des großen Showbusiness dar. Es mangelt nicht an amüsanten, bizarren, beunruhigenden und mutigen Momenten, Lanthimos erforscht erneut auf originelle Weise Sexualität, Animalität, Grausamkeit, Dominanz und alles, was wir an ihm lieben. Nur mit einem geringeren Budget und in realen zeitgenössischen Kulissen. [Cannes FF] ()


alle Kritiken

Englisch Yorgos Lanthimos is one of the most distinctive directors of our time and his unconventional work entertains, shocks and divides into two camps. I'm a huge fan of his recent Poor Things and probably less of a fan of Kinds of Kindness. I really like the concept of three different stories with the same and excellent actors in different roles, but it lacks more coherence between them, and as a result it's just three more or less bizarre stories side by side. I'm not saying it’s bad, I think there's a lot of truth in the absurdity too, and some scenes are chilling in their realism, others are shocking in their rawness and cruelty, while there's a lot of humour, but as a whole it's kind of disjointed. The film is accompanied by the now very typical and recognisable soundtrack (if you can call it that) by Jerskin Fendrix, which adds to the bizarre and mysterious atmosphere. Despite the fact that I wasn't as impressed with this Lanthimos film as some of his previous ones, I will always look forward to his future work. [Festival de Cannes 2024] ()



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Englisch Yorgos Lanthimos' first giant excess. And unlike him, I'll be brief in my statement. The few interesting and bizarre ideas we can find in it are diluted by the relentlessly tedious running time and the downright unwatchable approach of a filmmaker whose Poor Things was an absolute smash hit a few months ago. Believe me, this one is miles away from that. [KVIFF 2024] ()

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