
  • Deutschland Titanic 3D (mehr)
Trailer 5
USA, 1997, 194 min (Alternativ 187 min)


James Cameron


James Cameron


James Horner


Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Billy Zane, Kathy Bates, Bill Paxton, Gloria Stuart, Frances Fisher, Bernard Hill, Jonathan Hyde, David Warner (mehr)
(weitere Professionen)


James Camerons mit elf Oscars prämiertes Meisterwerk erzählt von der Jungfernfahrt der Titanic, dem größten Passagierdampfschiff seiner Zeit im Jahr 1912. An Bord verliebt sich der mittellose Jack in die wohlhabende, verlobte Rose. Es beginnt eine romantische Liebesgeschichte zwischen den beiden, die jäh von einer Katastrophe erschüttert wird: Die Titanic rammt einen Eisberg und beginnt zu sinken. Obendrein versucht der betrogene Cal, das Liebespaar mit allen Mitteln zu trennen. (Sat.1)


Kritiken (10)

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Englisch A über-film where everything is exactly in place and the process of communicative narration reaches almost absolute perfection. In the first half we get all the information and clues needed to make the second half one of the most breathtaking audiovisual passages in film history, not to mention the overwhelming emotional impact and mandatory narrative build-up. Cameron had many ways to depict the destruction of the Titanic, but he chose the best and most human one – through passionate love, taking us into the narrowest corners and the most luxurious suites of the dream ship, whose tragic fate we can follow in the end as her good and sincerely grieving friends. The sunken cinematic heart that set the rhythm of Hollywood cinema for years to come. ()


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Deutsch Ich habe Titanic lange Zeit gemieden wie der Teufel das Weihwasser, aber schließlich hat es mich eingeholt... Und überraschenderweise war es kein Frontalzusammenprall, sondern eher ein leichter Fehlschuss. Die Geschichte ist süß und weitschweifig, aber sobald der übergroße Dampfer zu sinken begann, war es etwas zum Hinschauen - da wusste ich endlich, dass Cameron dahinter steckte. Seltsamerweise mochte ich den ungehobelten Leonardo DiCaprio ganz gerne, aber ich wusste nicht, wie ich mit dem spießigen Mädchen Kate Winslet umgehen sollte... Es ist nur eine schäbige Lovestory, die Cameron mit Gold bemalt hat. Die Farbe ist an einigen Stellen dünn, dass der Rost durchscheint. Auf jeden Fall ein klassischer Saisonhit... Edit 2012: ein schöner Beweis dafür, wie oft man sich irrt. Diesen Film als kitschige Liebesgeschichte zu sehen, verstellt den Blick auf das, was Titanic wirklich ist: das Produkt von Camerons massivem Fetischismus und ein metaphorischer Weg zu einem begehrten Objekt, das durch die Kraft des Films zum Leben erweckt wird und dem Filmemacher erlaubt, den Zuschauer durch seine verlorenen Ecken zu führen. Der Regisseur hat einfach das Gefühl eingefangen, das mich auch heute noch packt, wenn ich ein totes Wrack in der Tiefe sehe - das brennende Verlangen, "der trüben Materie mit einer Geschichte Sinn und Form zu geben". Das Ergebnis ist ein Film voller Widersprüche, aber vor allem ein äußerst präzise konstruierter und ökonomisch erzählter Film. Mein ganzes Vergnügen daran entspringt der reinen Rationalität. Wenn Rose sagt: "Es macht keinen Sinn, deshalb glaube ich es", entgegne ich "Alles ergibt einen Sinn, deshalb glaube ich es (unterliege dem aber nicht :-))“. ()


alle Kritiken

Englisch Today's 3D screening at Imax only confirmed what every viewer probably already knows: Titanic will never get old. It’s still brimming with energy, moving and tragic, funny and technically epic as it was 15 years ago. And it has survived everything. Even the pastime back then of mocking DiCaprio, who at the time was the personification of posters and stickers in teen magazines, suffered from the adoration of whiny teenage girls, and is now one of the world's most respected actors. Cameron's Titanic has survived the rapid evolution in the field of visual effects and even today can stand proudly next to all sorts of visually lavish flicks, without getting get lost and or blushing with shame. And just as I enjoyed the technical precision of the reconstruction of the sinking itself before, I now enjoy the romantic storyline, which is definitely not a Pretty Woman type of thing, Cameron endowed it with lightness, wit and a pleasant feeling at the heart. And as time goes by, the film is appreciated (and cherished) by a new and younger generation of viewers. The proof is in FilmBooster itself, when I registered in 2002, Titanic had an average rating of 75%. And today? You can see for yourselves! Bugger me, it was awesome! ()


alle Kritiken

Englisch An opulent, spectacular picture which is simply flawless in technical terms. The outrageous length surprisingly didn’t break Titanic’s back, mainly thanks to Cameron’s directing. The end result flows by nicely, although there were a couple of places that could have done with more keen editing. The first half is more for the female audience, but then, after the collision, the disaster movie pandas more to the male audience. The characters are so terribly flat here, but thanks to their charisma, this isn’t boring. The most expensive movie ever and the greatest ever box office success, which is neither the highest quality movie ever, but it certainly is well above average. ()


alle Kritiken

Englisch Romantic drama that breaks hearts with every viewing, subtle jokes that, in the viewer's adulthood, reveal how complex Titanic truly is, and above all, Cameron's life's work. Only with a decent, soon to be twenty-year gap and the fading of the last remnants of the uncontrollable hype from the turn of the century, can the greatness of the entire spectacle be fully appreciated. Unsinkable, unforgettable, and practically flawless. And I have no doubt that it will continue to grow. ()


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Englisch Perhaps the most famous disaster and romance movie. I don't think it's even possible not to know and like it. The older I get, the more I like it and the more I cry at it. Overall, Titanic stirs something greater in me. Maybe because I was born on April 15 :-)) And Leo and Kate were absolutely amazing... for me Titanic is a timeless movie. ()


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Englisch Watching Titanic again after so many years, in a remastered 4K and 3D version is a truly sensual experience. All the more so when you watch this 25-year-old opus and realise that a better film will be hard to find in cinemas this year. Titanic resonates even more intensely when its screening is preceded by trailers for Quantumania, parallel universes, digital fests of all kinds, in short, recyclates that either make your head explode or your eardrums pop. But as soon as the old familiar melody plays after 20 minutes of trailer hell and the black and white "old" intro with the silhouette of the ship comes on, I am in my element. In 20 seconds, James Cameron produces more emotion in two cuts than all those future supercomics combined. Titanic is a celebration and homage to modern filmmaking, a benchmark of cinema. It stuns with its breathtaking fragility, old-world wisdom, palette of iconic scenes and colossal epic. The pinnacle of world cinema and deservedly one of the best pieces of all time. One of the few that has avoided ageing. ()


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Englisch With Titanic, Cameron finally achieved his benchmark in the field of the grandiose chick-flick, and its success then confirmed to him who really makes the decisions here about what’s worth a visit to the cinema.  Except that Titanic is also an insanely polished diamond in this regard, and it is almost irritating how clearly this can be seen in everything. Apart from the main love story, everything feels terribly mechanical, staged, stereotypical, and lifeless. Every character here has only one purpose: Rose's fiancé, for example, is almost comical in his villainy, always safely taking the worst side in every situation. Interestingly, the characters of Jack and Rose don't work on their own either, but thankfully they work perfectly safely together where it's surprisingly believable how Rose takes the initiative over Jack from a certain point onwards, to the point of motherly binding him to her bosom after their romp in the car leaves the boy so moved he's shaking. Unfortunately, the fateful night itself is terribly studio lit, the trick photography has aged a bit, and the whole space of the Titanic feels compromised to the point of theatricality. ()


alle Kritiken

Englisch I’m giving one star for the ship itself, otherwise, it’s a mockery of all those who died in the tragedy. I can only imagine Cameron thinking: "Lots of dead people. Awesome! Let’s just throw in some famous actors, a love story, and epic music, and we'll make a killing." Hooray! Mission accomplished. ()


alle Kritiken

Englisch When I first saw the film on television, I didn't really like it, as it seemed to come from some rebellious protest. But Cameron simply cannot be denied that he captured the sinking of the ship perfectly and convincingly. You feel the weight of knowing that not everyone will be saved, that they are doomed, simply because there are people there who are incapable or have made big mistakes. But after the battle, every general is a hero... Plus, you also have one of the most iconic romances. ()

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