Becky 2 - She's Back!

  • USA The Wrath of Becky (mehr)
Trailer 1


Drei Jahre sind vergangen, seit eine brutale Bande von Neonazis Beckys Vater getötet hat. Becky lebt nun bei Elena, einer älteren Frau und verwandten Seele, die ihr Geborgenheit und ein Zuhause gibt. Als die Extremistengruppe 'Noble Men' in ihr Haus einbrechen, Beckys Vormund töten und ihren Hund entführen, fällt Becky zurück in einen gnadenlosen Rache-Modus. Aber dieses Mal hat sie mehr als nur ein Walkie-Talkie in ihrem Werkzeuggürtel. Die 16-jährige Becky ist zurück und ihr gnadenloser Rachefeldzug hinterlässt eine blutige Spur der Vergeltung... (Plaion Pictures)


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Kritiken (2)


alle Kritiken

Englisch The fun variation on home invasion is back with a sequel that is on a similar level to the first. It's been two years since Becky experienced an attack on her family and home by prisoners. She now works as a waitress, but gets involved again with a group of bad people who call themselves the Noble Men. When Becky spills coffee one one of them for his insolence, the group decides to ambush Becky and steal her dog, and she's having none of that. One of the main bad guys is the well known Stiffler, who plays the cult leader here (I thought Kevin James was slightly better though) and Lulu Wilson matures as an actor. The rather creative and imaginative murders are pleasing, although there isn't much gore, but it does move along fairly well. Simple entertainment that doesn't excel on any level, but doesn't offend. 5.5/10. ()


alle Kritiken

Englisch Becky got angry which wasn't much of a surprise, especially considering her past ordeals, but why did I have to bear the brunt of it? The only element of horror, for me, was the introduction to the quintessential American family, but I was prepared for it after the first installment, so I wasn't expecting much horror anyway. The film's problem lies in the complete absence of basic logic, often replaced by elements meant to simply appeal to the audience. So, there were the protagonist's badass stares, as well as equally badass lines (read "badass" as unconvincing, cheap, or cringe-worthy), idiotic behavior of all involved, and an incredibly dumb ending. Sure, Becky wasn't a masterpiece, but its showdown between a chipmunk and the Aryan Brotherhood somehow entertained me, and made me chuckle more than once despite the serious bodily harm inflicted. This movie, on the other hand, tried to force laughter at times, which was a misstep. I can't fathom why it needed two directors; one amateur would've been more than enough. One star goes to the tough guy Stifler, who I actually found believable. / Lesson learned: If you're on a revenge mission, don't forget about style and go for bold colors. ()


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