I'm Not There

  • USA I'm Not There (mehr)
Trailer 2
Drama / Musik / Biografie
USA / Deutschland / Kanada, 2007, 135 min (Alternativ 130 min)


Bob Dylan, schillernde Ikone des Folk, Rock und Pop, tritt in I´m not there gleich sechsfach in Erscheinung. Als 11-jähriger Singer-Songwriter (Marcus Carl Franklin) reist er Ende der 50er Jahre durchs Land wie einst die schwarzen Blues-Legenden. Mit 19 ist er ein scharfzüngiger Poet (Ben Whishaw), wenig später ein erfolgreicher Folk-Troubadour (Christian Bale) im pulsierenden Greenwich Village der frühen 60er. Kaum als Stimme einer neuen Generation gefeiert, erfindet er sich als Bandleader (Cate Blanchett) neu und stößt seine Fans mit elektrifiziertem Rock vor den Kopf. Er reüssiert als Schauspieler (Heath Ledger), scheitert als Familienvater, gerät als christlicher Prediger in Vergessenheit - und taucht wieder auf im Hinterland von Missouri: als in die Jahre gekommener Outlaw (Richard Gere), der sich noch einmal auf die Reise macht... (Verleiher-Text)


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Englisch First and foremost, I must praise all the actors portraying the legendary musician Bob Dylan, among whom the queen is the amazing Cate Blanchett. Speaking of women, the ethereal Charlotte Gainsbourg as the girlfriend of Robbie Clark, played by Heath Ledger, made a very strong impression. I don't care that I sometimes got lost in the tangle of imaginary destinies - after all, in real life, we all more or less get lost. And I want to lose myself with brilliant lyrics on my lips and wonderful music in my heart, both of which I got in spades thanks to this cinematic treat. (90%) ()


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Englisch A biography that you haven't seen yet. That is, if you haven't seen it already... Not only do various filming formats alternate here, but actors also alternate in the lead role. Although each character has a different name, they all somehow represent a part of Bob Dylan's life. That's what this film is about, this music giant. A documentary that you won't see anywhere else, a musical where songs sound like a soundtrack, not necessarily from the mouths of the characters, and of course, a film where all the selected actors shine in the best light. Christian Bale, as well as Ben Winshaw and Heath Ledger, and especially Cate Blanchett, prove their incredible versatility. But in this film, not a single actor is overshadowed. However, it's all about that one person and that beautiful music. I must admit, this film surprised me a lot. I'm not saying it's easily digestible, but it's simply something new, experimental, and definitely not bad. ()



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Englisch At times it’s not very viewer-friendly, it lacks a narrative structure, but I still enjoyed it. If I had to liken Haynes's film to something, two words come to mind: emotional puzzle. It’s main asset is the almost permanent music of Dylan in the background, the recreation of the atmosphere of the beatnik generation and the incredible Cate Blanchett, who perfectly nailed Dylan's tics, movements and even the cigarette holding. On the other hand, the unnecessary Richard Gere (although I understand "what the poet meant to say") and the overly long runtime bring this film down a peg. PS: I really liked Ben Whishaw with his insecure, embarrassed, boyish expression, so typical of young Dylan :o) ()

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