
Schweden der 50er Jahre: Der rebellische 16-jährige Erik wird von seiner Mutter auf das private Elite-Internat Stjärnsberg geschickt und erhält hier seine letzte Chance auf einen Schulabschluss. Hinter der feinen Fassade verbirgt sich jedoch ein perfides System von Demütigungen und Gewalt – ausgeübt von den älteren Schülern gegenüber den Jüngeren. Erik versucht sich der Hackordnung unterzuordnen, obwohl er seinen Mitschülern körperlich überlegen ist. Aber wenn er zurückschlägt, fliegt er von der Schule. (Verleiher-Text)


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Deutsch Das Einzige, was diesem Film ein bisschen geschadet hat, ist die unklare Zeit, in der sich seine Handlung abspielt. Damit das Geschehen für die heutigen Verhältnisse nicht unreal und übertrieben wirkt, wird er von einer Musik im Herrmann-Stil begleitet. Man hat den Eindruck, dass es sich ungefähr um die Zeit nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg handelt. Die Kostüme, die Frisuren, das Verhalten von vielen Figuren und die technische Form entsprechen aber der Gegenwart. Das Werk soll ja auch die heutigen (einfühlsamen) Teenager ansprechen, für die es der Film ihres Lebens sein kann… Wenn man aber diese zeitliche Inkonsistenz ignoriert, ist Evil ein emotional starkes und perfekt aufgenommenes (eine schöne Kamera), besetztes sowie gespieltes Drama. Seine Form kann man mit den besten Hollywood-Filmen vergleichen. ()


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Englisch Evil, or a revolution in bullying at a Swedish school for aristocratic nerds. The film is shot very clearly and realistically and has a solid structure. The music is bland as is the cinematography but the script was really sharp. The acting is top notch and even though the plot can smack of cliché, the denouement was (for me) excellent. It's probably not a film that can bring people to their knees and make them stare at the screen with their mouths wide open, but as far as quality goes, this film has it in almost every way. ()



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Englisch I have to say that I expected something a bit more emotional. Klass, a film that deals with a similar topic, was a lot more interesting because the situation in Czech grammar schools is more similar in it than in the boy’s boarding school in Evil, i.e. I could relate better (and to be honest, I don’t believe something like this can happen in civilised Europe). Of course, it did arouse some emotions too, but compared to Klass, the enjoyment is barely half. ()


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Englisch If Harry Potter weren’t a fantasy, this could be its perfect “bully" adaptation. I felt each one of those blows physically, which I think is a first for a movie. And if Andreas Wilson wasn’t just acting himself, then he is the most talented actor I know right now. Personally, I would have ended it with the fadeout as the door closes behind him and his step-father. What follows it just SO terribly unnecessary... ()


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Englisch This Swedish gem easily ranks among my top ten favorite (most precious) films. I can't describe it, nor can I pinpoint exactly what makes Evil so special and brilliant for me in perhaps every respect. Part of it may be that, although it is not only a powerful but also a rather cruel drama, I didn't feel "manipulated" and pitifully begged for sympathy for the main character throughout the entire film. In short, the entire film is conceived as one very harsh human fate (a punishment all too disproportionate to the initial transgression) that the vast majority would buckle under, which is (un)fortunately not the case for Erik Ponti. The overall attitude or character of the protagonist – especially his "proud defiance" – struck me as almost "Promethean" at times, and I wouldn't be afraid to compare his unshakable endurance and resistance to higher "authorities" and arbitrariness to ancient heroism. However, the character of Erik goes even further in his struggle than the ancient heroes and is thus much closer to the Prometheus of the 19th century, who (unlike the ancient myth) in P.B. Shelley's did not submit to malice and proudly resists it to the end. I hope I didn't get too carried away by that literary interlude. ;) ()

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