
Die talentierten Piloten Ben, Kara und Henry sollen ein unbemanntes Luftfahrzeug, über das die US-Navy die Kontrolle verloren hat, stoppen und riskieren dabei ihr eigenes Leben... Bisher waren die erfahrenen Piloten Ben Gannon, Kara Wade und Henry Purcell für die Sicherheit der Vereinigten Staaten verantwortlich. Doch dies soll sich in naher Zukunft ändern, denn die US-Navy entwickelt ein unbemanntes Luftfahrzeug, das genauso gut Kampfmanöver wie die echten Piloten durchführen kann. Zunächst scheint die Entwicklung erfolgreich - bis das Luftfahrzeug von einem Blitz getroffen wird und daraufhin keine Befehle mehr ausführt. Es feuert schließlich sogar Raketen auf eine Militärbasis ab und verursacht dadurch eine radioaktive Verseuchung. Ben, Kara und Henry werden daraufhin beauftragt, das Luftfahrzeug zu stoppen, doch Henry stirbt, nachdem er die Kontrolle über sein Flugzeug verloren hat. Nur kurze Zeit später wird Kara lebensgefährlich verletzt, sodass Ben der einzige ist, der eine herannahende Katastrophe noch verhindern kann... (RTL Nitro)


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Englisch If this picture is the result that its makers were trying for, then... Then I don’t know, because I’m completely lost for words. No screenplay exists or if one does, they wrote it after they made the picture, because the movie itself has not even an ounce of story. The dialogs are so frightful they have no equal and logic took a long vacation. Despite the relatively decent cast, the acting is absolutely awful. Add to that the unbelievably overlong running time, but this wouldn’t have worked even in a considerably shorter movie. The only to a certain extent functional elements are some of the action scenes when, if you switch off your brain, you can even enjoy yourself - or at least live though them without any lasting damage. Overall this is an embarrassing affair which, despite being frightfully bad, isn’t bad in the right way for you too at least be able to laugh your head off at the expense of the filmmakers. After watching this, in my eyes Rob Cohen has lost the status of a solid B-movie routineer. There is no reason to pay any attention to that man at all. ()


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Deutsch Ach, die Handlung… Wenn es in dem Film entweder keine Handlung gegeben hätte oder wenn die Handlung besser gewesen wäre, hätte ich gegen Stealth - Unter dem Radar nicht so viel einzuwenden… Der Film besteht eigentlich nur aus sehr soliden Tricks und sehr gut gedrehten Actionszenen (man wundert sich fast, dass der gleiche Regisseur Die Mumie: Das Grabmal des Drachenkaisers vermasselt hat, wo man die Actionszenen nur als "Szenen" bezeichnen sollte). ()


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Englisch A formally and thematically illogical farce that diligently destroys its A-level ambitions set by the opening credits right from the first minute and it attacks even the last remaining vestige of good taste that a contemporary viewer might be willing to preserve. The screenwriter's audacity, which delves into the tense political situation of the contemporary world, is truly astounding. The terrorists are scum, as is North Korea, not to mention the Siberian areas. The pseudo-justification in the form of dismissive remarks about the thousands of innocent victims in the interest of protecting the American people, as delivered by Jessica Biel, only adds to the absurdity. Rob Cohen proves that he excels at directing action sequences, and considering that half of the film is filled with digitally generated shots of fighter jets, it's been a while since I've seen such impressive visual effects work by a team of VFX artists. But the ending on the Korean border is downright embarrassing in terms of form. I wasn't expecting much, but compared to this, even older films by Michael Bay seem like "harmless documentaries" about establishing democracy and world peace. God bless America! ()



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Englisch A luxuriously shot nothing. Rob Cohen transitions from war strategies to a regular buddy movie in the style of Top Gun, interjecting and concluding it all with a spectacular action sequence. Rather than being a failed average, Stealth becomes a very fast-paced mishmash, but it is the expensive-looking camera that compels me to forgive the many usual illogicalities. ()


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Englisch In terms of story, one of the dumbest and weakest films of the year, the only thing going for it is solidly shot action and a few impressively colorful shots of the beautifully green Thai landscape. The talking fighter jet is laughable, but what really knocked me out was the mid-air refueling. A prime example of pure scriptwriting madness. Nothing against the actors, as there really was nothing remarkable to showcase here, I only appreciate Jessica Biel, who is incredibly sexy in the navy uniform. The action is intense and dynamic, but the excessive computer-generated shots are tiresome and contribute to a big stereotype. And I’d rather not mention the political background of the whole situation. Unheard of budget, outrageous mess. But for entertainment? Why not. ()