
Der Held des Films ist Nick Naylor (Aaron Eckhart), oberster Pressesprecher von Big Tobacco, der seinen Lebensunterhalt damit verdient, die Rechte der Raucher und Zigarettenhersteller in der heutigen neo-puritanischen Welt zu verteidigen. Auf seinem Kreuzzug stellt er sich Gesundheitsfanatikern, die Tabak verbieten lassen wollen, und dem Senator (William H. Macy), der Warnhinweise und Giftaufkleber auf den Zigarettenpackungen anbringen lassen möchte. Nick startet eine großangelegte PR-Offensive, spielt in Fernsehtalkshows das Gesundheitsrisiko, das Rauchen mit sich bringt, herunter und engagiert sogar einen einflussreichen Hollywood-Agenten, der dafür sorgen soll, dass das Rauchen auch in Filmen positiv promotet wird. Sein neugewonnener schlechter Ruf bringt Nick ungeahnte Aufmerksamkeit ein. Nicht nur der Oberboss der Tabakindustrie (Robert Duvall) beobachtet sein Handeln, Nicks Arbeit hat auch eine einflussreiche Journalistin (Katie Holmes) auf die Spur gelockt. Nick rechtfertigt seine Arbeit damit, dass er nun mal Geld verdienen muss, um seine Hypothek abzuzahlen, aber der prüfende Blick seiner Sohnes (Cameron Bright) und eine ziemlich reale Todesdrohung könnten ihn dazu zwingen, anders zu denken… (20th Century Fox Home Entertainment)


Kritiken (11)

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Englisch The Lord of War, but this time about cigarettes. Personally, I don't smoke and I don’t like it: it makes my eyes sting and makes me cough. Still, I laughed at how easily Nick convinces everyone about “freedom of choice", mentioning only the pros of the so-called coffin nails. Moreover, Eckhart’s performance is excellent, and he's such a nice guy that you'll forgive him for everything (even the fact that he gets involved with Katie Holmes) and Cameron Bright pulled off a younger version of him to a T as well. P.S.: Did you notice that no one smokes during the movie? ()


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Deutsch Ich wollte diesen Film eigentlich nie sehen, doch als meine Freundin dies vorschlug, sagte ich zu mir, dass ich mich nicht von Vorurteilen beherrschen lasse. Trotzdem erfüllten sich meine Annahmen. Es handelt sich um eine weitere amerikanische Stupidität, die umso überraschender ist, als sie von einem Kanadier gedreht wurde. Der Hauptheld in der Interpretation von Aaron Eckhart schaut und verhält sich, als wäre er der beste Redner der Welt und verstehe alles toll, dabei sind seine Argumente mehr als dürftig, armselig und peinlich. Der gesamte Film ist eigentlich langweilig, fade, und das zentrale Thema ist im Grunde überflüssig, die Leute haben Zigaretten geraucht, rauchen sie und werden sie rauchen, und keine abstoßende Werbung wird sie davon abbringen. Sicher wurden einige Sequenzen mit reichlich Übertreibung gedreht, aus meiner Sicht ist diese jedoch nicht so recht gelungen. Ich bin froh, dass Jason Reitman Juno gedreht hat, der Film ist ihm viel besser gelungen. ()


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Englisch Very funny and imaginatively directed in places, especially in the opening, when we are introduced to lobbyist Nick Naylor (the utterly brilliant Aaron Eckhart) as the "embodiment of cigarettes" in an irresistibly black and humourless sequence that approximates the number of victims of tobacco addiction. Guaranteed to amuse, too, are the apt observations about the now-fashionable curses on smoking in contemporary Hollywood ("These days, when someone smokes in the movies, they're either a psychopath... or a European."). Even at the very end, Reitman elegantly gets away with moralising that smoking may be "bad", but it is up to each of us to choose. But still, in the end, only 3 stars, albeit very strong. Despite a promising start in the opening 20 minutes, the film has too many deaf spots and unfinished scenes, which is a shame, because such a hot topic is ripe for a complete explosion of politically incorrect, sarcastic humour, of which there is woefully little. Still, the "Ghostbuster" can be proud of his son, I think there is a great talent growing here. ()


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Englisch The phenomenal Aaron Eckhart could even make you think that smoking cigarettes is actually a healthy thing. Unfortunately, director Reitman spends the entire ninety minutes flitting between the political correctness of a hot topic and a family melodrama about model fatherhood. If it had thirty extra minutes and a more integral directorial lead who could have been more "loose" would have only helped the film. Then it would have been an absolute hit. Andrew Niccol poked at a similar theme much more vigorously, boldly, and, above all, engagingly. It’s not at all bad for a debut and the promising signs of interesting talent are definitely there. Keep it up! ()



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Englisch Nick doesn’t lie or try to hide the truth... He just filters it. An (a)morally flexible picture not unlike Lord of War. Eckhart is maturing with each new movie he appears in and Jason Reitman confirmed with his (commercial) debut that he is a director that knows how to work with difficult topics intelligently and very comically and it doesn’t matter at all that the picture is a mere revue of scenes steeped in black humor and satire. ()


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Englisch Finally a film that has some class. It's full of intelligent arguments and quality jokes from the start. Aaron Eckhart is unflappable and handles his role with aplomb. He didn't convince me to smoke, but I found his performance very likeable. The second half of the film is a little weaker, but still deserves a full rating. ()


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Englisch A smart, sharply sarcastic comedy that spares no one and nothing and is full of catchphrases from all sides, while still being true to life. In no scene or with no character does one feel anything artificial. A good screenplay was matched with a decent director and the cast is very high-quality, so together it is not a groundbreaking film, but a very quality genre film that will please fans of intelligent humor. It is exactly the kind of movie where I will surely remember certain catchphrases even years later. Overall impression: 80%. ()


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Englisch It starts as a very enjoyable and imaginative comedy, but then it slightly loses both its wit and, unfortunately, its originality. It's a good thing it has the great Aaron Eckhart in the lead role, he’s really convincing and better than good at talking. In sum, just another in a line of comedies that don't disappoint, but also don't dazzle. For me 70%. ()


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Englisch Although I understand that cigarettes are not good for your health (I have always been a non-smoker, which doesn’t really help me much), but I am strongly annoyed by the sometimes hysterical reactions to smokers. What annoys me more than cigarette smoke in restaurants is the foul smell coming from the baby-changing table. In other words, if you want your children to be healthy, learn to cook instead of dragging your kids around pubs. Even in this film, I was forced to side with the bullied, which Nick Naylor made much easier for me thanks to his perfectly cynical attitude. His colleagues from the MOD squad did not fall behind. Nick went against the mainstream and didn't give up in spite of a potential melodramatic ending, and I must give him credit for that. ()


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Englisch There are movies that you hear about, but somehow manage to successfully avoid. "Thank You for Smoking" is exactly such a movie. I heard nothing but praise for it, which I was very glad to believe, but it took me quite a while to convince myself of the film's exceptional qualities. I succeeded and I can say that "Thank You for Smoking" is simply the best film I have seen this week. It is satirical, ironic, definitely unconventional, and although it may seem so at first glance, it certainly does not advocate smoking. In fact, it paves the way that the main character Nick Naylor, played by the excellent Aaron Eckhart, also follows. Do not force children not to smoke, let them decide for themselves at the right age. This also applies to you. Think for yourself whether this film is about cigarettes and their promotion, or prohibition, or if it is a film that tries to show us how a person is crushed by the corporate world and how few real options they actually have. Everything is presented in a way that will keep you on the edge of your seat, even though there is actually not much action. You will want to know how the hero ends up, how he ultimately stands up for what he talks about. Aaron Eckhart played his Nick Naylor incredibly, he is exactly the type we believe can be so cynical, even when talking about his son, who adores him despite everything. Nick is not a perfect man, but he still has some principles. You will root for him, just like you root for, for example, Dr. House. Nick is not such a horrible person, but if you are against smoking, he will probably kick your ass. Unless you happen to have dozens of nicotine patches at hand. More: ()


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Englisch On the one hand, a very cynical and morally incorrect film that relies on extremely playful direction and the brilliant Eckhart; on the other, a charming and wonderfully brisk indie whose interpretation is probably up to each individual. I don't want to dissect the content here; what's important to me is that Reitman refrains from any judgement or evaluation and "merely" manages to reflect the facts in an excellent way and humorously portray the behind-the-scenes world of the tobacco industry. Aaron Eckhart was absolutely excellent. A remarkable debut for Jason Reitman. ()