How I Met Your Mother

  • USA How I Met Your Mother (mehr)
Filmclip 103
USA, (2005–2014), 76 h 7 min (Minutenlänge: 20–22 min)


Carter Bays, Craig Thomas


John Swihart


Josh Radnor, Jason Segel, Neil Patrick Harris, Alyson Hannigan, Cobie Smulders, David Henrie, Lyndsy Fonseca, Alexis Denisof, Jayma Mays (mehr)
(weitere Professionen)

Staffel(9) / Folgen(208)


Ted Mosby erzählt im Jahr 2030 seinen Kindern alle Details darüber, wie er seine Frau kennengelernt hat. Seine Erläuterungen beginnen im Jahr 2005, als sich Ted als Architekturstudent eine Wohnung mit seinem Freund Marshall teilt. Kurze Zeit später lernt Ted die Nachrichtensprecherin Robin kennen und lieben. Sie will jedoch von einer festen Beziehung noch gar nichts wissen ... Völlig unklar ist deshalb, welche der Frauen an Teds Seite nun die Mutter seiner Kinder wird. (ProSieben)


Nutzerkritik Necrotongue zur diesen Serie (217)

Der ideale Drink (2011) (S06E22) 

Englisch As I dive deeper into the sixth season, I can't help but wonder why most of these episodes even exist. If they didn't move the story forward but at least brought on some laughs, I wouldn't be complaining, but that's not the case here. Even this episode couldn't dodge the crisis the series seems to be stuck in, so it was another letdown. / Lesson learned: Choose your drink carefully. ()

Denkmal (2011) (S06E23) 

Englisch The recent episodes got kind of fixated on one thing — or one building, to be exact. I probably should be all excited about it, but you know what? Not really my vibe. The episode didn't dish out much entertainment for me. I had to sit through Ted, Zoe, and Barney putting on a show like something big was going down, followed by Marshall and the ladies just fading into the background. One star goes to Arthur's new dog, though. / Lesson learned: Try to have your own opinion. ()

Neu ist immer besser (2011) (S06E24) 

Englisch The episode stuck to the low standard of the sixth season. It didn't bring much to the table that really grabbed my attention; one of the few upsides was the final resolution of the Arcadian hotel question, breaking an endless cycle in the plot. I'm waiting to see what the seventh season brings with anticipation and skepticism. / Lesson learned: When the time comes, just press the button. ()

Season 7 (2011) (S07) 

Englisch To my surprise, the quality of Season 7 surpassed that of Season 6. None of the episodes deserved a Boo! rating and some were even worth four stars. Still, even in this season, the creators didn’t avoid repeating previous mistakes (constant dissection of relationships past their expiration date, not enough humor, nasty behavior of so-called friends, etc.) / Lesson learned: You think you have a lot of friends. Are you sure about that? ()

Der Trauzeuge (2011) (S07E01) 

Englisch The kickoff of the seventh season didn't exactly wow me (not like I had high hopes or anything). All attempts at humor got drowned out by relationship drama and a never-ending chatter about kids. / Lesson learned: If you're traveling around the States, you might want to give Cleveland a miss. ()

Die nackte Wahrheit (2011) (S07E02) 

Englisch Another run-of-the-mill episode running low on humor. The writers were on a mission to morph Barney into a whole new character, sidelining him in the process. Ted's problems were just empty filler, and not even Marshall was the same as he used to be. At least Garrison Cootes's calls from the swamp brought some entertainment to the table. / Lesson learned: Don't make resolutions. ()

Die Entchenkrawatte (2011) (S07E03) 

Englisch Alright, we're deep into the seventh season, and I get it, ideas might be running on fumes, but recycling some dull event from Ted's past? Come on, there's gotta be better options. The episode was a mix of boredom and indifference. The creators decided to reminisce about a relationship in the most yawn-inducing way possible. And Barney's grand plan? Utterly pointless, considering the prize. / Lesson learned: Don't try to revive a dead relationship, and if you do, don't expect me to sit through it. ()

Die Stinson-Krise (2011) (S07E04) 

Englisch Barney's sneakiness made me crack a smile here and there, but that's about it. The episode was just as dull and uneventful as the one before. I'm squinting real hard, but that light at the end of the tunnel? Nowhere in sight. / Lesson learned: Don't be the third wheel. ()

Die Exkursion (2011) (S07E05) booo!

Englisch Look, I gave it my all, trying to squeeze a chuckle out of this episode - but no luck. I don't know if there was anything to find or if I just failed miserably, but the episode felt even more yawn-inducing than the last two. All the storylines were cruising down a path that left me snoozing, so it's no surprise things turned out this way. / Lesson learned: At least Kal Penn's got a nice voice. ()

Das dunkle Geheimnis (2011) (S07E06) 

Englisch Guess who managed to keep the episode afloat? Kevin, played by Kal Penn, the real MVP here. The plot felt totally pointless otherwise. The whole mystery around the gender of the future kid was only bearable thanks to Kevin; Ted, on the other hand, was his usual pathetic self. / Lesson learned: Don't be a melodramatic idiot. ()

Noretta (2011) (S07E07) 

Englisch The episode had me laughing, a real standout in the seventh season. But then they had to go and bring back Marshal's father. He was mourned for what felt like an eternity, only to be more in the spotlight than ever. The creators either got lazy or think we'll buy anything, like seriously, if a rat ran over my head, you bet I'd remember to wash my hair. But what should I expect of people who go to bed with their shoes on? / Lesson learned: Do it yourself and spare yourself some awkward family moments. ()

Die Kürbis-Schlampe kehrt zurück (2011) (S07E08) 

Englisch Honestly, I wish they let Pumpkin be and didn't feel the need to force some kind of closure onto the story. It would've felt more authentic, and poor Ted wouldn't have been robbed of his nostalgic memories. The episode just felt like it was stirring the pot for no reason, and I wasn't impressed. And then they throw in Robin as the unlikely hero – didn't see that one coming. But hey, Robin and Barney cracked me up, and that's a first for this season. / Lesson learned: Some wishes should remain wishes. ()

Katastrophenschutz (2011) (S07E09) 

Englisch I was only partially satisfied with this episode. It had a great, pre-credits scene by Barney, which got me excited about what was to come, but then I wasn't impressed. To clarify, the tie was hilarious, but the hurricane story didn't exactly blow me away, and I still can't figure out how Marshall could fly through the bar window. / Lesson learned: Be prepared! ()

Tick Tick Tick ... (2011) (S07E10) 

Englisch Yet another one of those unbalanced episodes. The creators are diving back into the whole relationship revival thing (they seem to have a thing for it), and honestly, it failed to grab my attention. Especially considering it ate up a substantial chunk of the runtime, impacting my overall rating. Nevertheless, the plotline involving Marshall and Ted remained engaging, so it wasn't all that bad. / Lesson learned: Choose the right moment for your confessions. 2*+ ()

Plan B (2011) (S07E11) 

Englisch This episode wasn't straight-up bad. The cramped apartment got some chuckles out of me. Not so much everything else. The creators seem to be in a serious drought of fresh ideas, and this episode is proof of that. The plot was downright idiotic at times. Even if it wasn't boring, I spent most of the time just staring in disbelief. / Lesson learned: Stupid decisions can be made even while sober. ()

Sinfonie der Erleuchtung (2011) (S07E12) 

Englisch I wasn't even interested in Marshall's rooftop stay. I was far more surprised by the serious tone that is now permeating this show. Weird. It's supposed to be a sitcom, right? / Lesson learned: Don't trust strangers. 3*+ ()

Gutes neues Jahr (2012) (S07E13) 

Englisch Before the creators decided to kill off Marshall's father, I saw him maybe four times. But now that they overloaded several episodes with his mourning, he is rarely off-screen. Talk about paradoxes. Anyway, the thirteenth episode was full of comebacks. Barney and Ted revisited an old idea, Lily's board game-playing parent returned, Robin returned to broadcasting, and Sandy Rivers was everywhere. The whole vibe got all sappy and nostalgic, and I'm not impressed. / Lesson learned: Bring your own bottle opener to a graveyard. ()

46 Minuten (2012) (S07E14) 

Englisch It's slowly starting to dawn on me why I'm not enjoying these depicted social activities as much as everyone else. It's like I missed out on the whole shared suffering of new couples thing because I've always been straight-up about what's on my mind in any relationship phase. Now, it's making sense why every American with health insurance has a therapist. / Lesson learned: Stay quiet and suffer. ()

Der brennende Bienenzüchter (2012) (S07E15) 

Englisch This episode was irrelevant to the main plot but kept me surprisingly entertained. It was like a wild collage of events happening in different rooms of a house, all packed into five intense minutes. Didn't play out exactly like I thought, but hey, it kept me hooked. / Lesson learned: Insects, rodents, cheese, and parties don't mix well together. ()

Der Saufzug (2012) (S07E16) 

Englisch This episode brought a bit more to the storyline compared to the last one, but it didn't hit the enjoyment meter quite as hard – except for Quinn/Karma. She was hands down the most entertaining part of the episode. The creators tried to get all serious again, but it felt like they were just rehashing the same old stuff they've done many times before. It didn't grab me the way the twelfth episode did. / Lesson learned: A gynecologist also rarely recognizes their patients by their face. ()