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Die Handlung spielt um das Jahr 1930 und dreht sich um eine Mädchen-Schwimmannschaft eines Internats. Die Mädchen sind nicht nur hier um zu schwimmen, sondern auch, weil die von der Lehrerin – Miss G – begeistert sind. Allerdings kommt es zu Komplikationen, als eine spanische Schülerin zu ihnen stößt, denn Miss G ist von ihr – Fiamma – sehr angetan. Spätestens als Fianna dann spurlos verschwidnet, scheint die Sache aus dem Ruder zu laufen. (Verleiher-Text)


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alle Kritiken

Englisch The main attraction of this film is Eva Green. She looks quite confident on the poster, but in reality she is a mentally terribly unbalanced person, whose character develops absolutely brutally throughout the film. Eva Green was also the main reason why I went to see the film. Otherwise, it’s mostly a film for women, because you hardly see a single guy playing there. But as I guy myself, I have to say that it was palatable. ()


alle Kritiken

Englisch This is not an uncertain directorial debut where one walks cautiously on tiptoes. It actually looks like another woman director with courage (after Bigelow) who is not afraid to convey a clear message to the audience. Cracks boast fantastic performances, dominated by the mentally torn and complex Eva Green, who gradually reveals herself as a deranged harpy capable of absolutely anything, shedding her philosophically charged modern teacher persona. The excellently written, vivid supporting characters and the artful British small-town setting with appropriately extravagant natural scenery are a delight. It has the right ingredients and, although predictable, the ending is very well executed. ()


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