
Südpazifik 1942. Ex-Geschichtsprofessor Walter Eckland wird vom australischen Navy Commander Houghton überredet, als Vorposten auf einer einsamen Insel japanische Flugbewegungen per Funk unter dem Decknamen “Father Goose” zu melden. Auf der Nachbarinsel entdeckt er die französische Lehrerin Catherine Freneau mit sieben Schülerinnen, nimmt sie mit auf seine Insel. Die Mädchen nehmen seine Hütte in Besitz, die Lehrerin konfisziert den Whisky. Catherine und Walter verlieben sich. Sie stechen auf einem selbstgebauten Boot in See. (filmjuwelen/fernsehjuwelen)


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Englisch Cary Grant's penultimate film, where even at 60 he shows us how great an actor he is. True, it's not just about him, but he's so casual, so good, so natural, and so damn funny that it's ultimately a film about him. Leslie Caron is more of an annoying woman next to him, but he gives it just the right amount of charm and fun. ()


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Englisch As a person interested in the Second World War (especially the Pacific), I critically scrutinize the technology, weapons, and uniforms used in films, so I couldn't possibly like this one. But I tried to ignore the amateur pedant-historian in me because I was in a good mood and knew it would be a comedy. I quite enjoyed the delightful British sneakiness of Big Bad Wolf and the genuine despair of the heavily pursued Mother Goose. Cary Grant played the exact same character as always (which definitely didn't bother me). Leslie Caron was also a suitable choice, and I somehow put up with those children. The overall impression would have been even better if the writing didn't leave a little to be desired. Even so, I had a great time and didn't feel like going below four stars. / Lesson learned: Don't go to a deserted island without a crate of whiskey and a beautiful French woman. ()


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