
Der junge Anwalt Frederick Aiken (James McAvoy) wird von seinem Mentor, dem ehemaligen Generalbundesanwalt, dazu überredet, Mary Surratt zu verteidigen. Die verwitwete Südstaatlerin wird beschuldigt, den Attentätern von Präsident Abraham Lincoln in ihrer Pension Unterschlupf gewährt zu haben. Während das aufgebrachte Volk nach Rache schreit, wächst bei Frederick im Laufe des Prozesses mehr und mehr Bewunderung für die geheimnisvolle Frau. Doch ist Mary wirklich ein unschuldiges Opfer? Will sie nur ihren Sohn decken, der als einziger Attentäter noch flüchtig ist? Oder ist sie eine geschickte Lügnerin und kaltblütige Verschwörerin? (Universal Pictures Germany)


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Deutsch Spielbergs Lincoln und Redfords Die Lincoln Verschwörung – ein idealer Doppelfilm. Bei dem Film Die Lincoln Verschwörung ist die Regie nicht so einfallsreich, die Kamera nicht so überwältigend, die Musik nicht so gut und die Ausstattung nicht so großzügig. Trotzdem handelt es sich um einen ausgezeichneten Film. Fesselnd ist vor allem die toll dargestellte Geschichte, die ziemlich unerwartet in allem herumbohrt, was typisch amerikanisch ist. Mit Wahrheit und Lüge, Gerechtigkeit und Unrecht jongliert sie wie ein erfahrener Zirkusmann. Im Finale ist sie spannend, schockierend und rührend. Dieser Film ist nicht nur für diejenigen bestimmt, die "Bescheid wissen“, sondern für alle. ()


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Englisch At first, I was concerned with thoughts of "academic boredom," but from the moment McAvoy starts to doubt, political glossateur Redford takes you by the hand and guides you through the upturned face of the sacred American Constitution in a way never seen before. I was expecting glorified heroes in a clash with essential evil, but Redford puts into the mouths of his characters formulas that many statesmen still use today, and that's why his film manages to tease with its topicality even though the actors are wearing historical costumes. And it is the actors whose sovereignty even in minimal spaces (Kevin Kline!) allows you to forget that it's all presented in a somewhat... "cinematic" way. ()



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Englisch After a long time, I felt like watching a historical film, and The Conspirator by Robert Redford seemed like the right choice. I don’t really want to compare it to Spielberg’s Lincoln, but I probably have to. Lincoln clearly had a bigger budget and, of course, Lewis’s performance, but that doesn’t mean The Conspirator isn’t a worthy competitor. It was interesting to see how the real trial of Lincoln’s murderers unfolded. In my opinion, the broader public, including myself, only knows the name Booth, but the details are largely unknown. That’s why I enjoyed The Conspirator, as it took me into unexplored territory throughout its runtime. James McAvoy delivered an excellent performance, as he’s a truly talented actor who can handle almost any role. The process of defending Mary Surratt felt like running headfirst into a granite wall. Even if you give it your all, it’s ultimately futile, as perfectly illustrated by the rather pessimistic ending. The sets were also well done, and Robin Wright’s performance as the main defendant was worth noting. I think anyone who enjoys historical films won’t go wrong with this one, and they’ll learn something new. And that’s the main thing, right? I give it 84%. ()


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Englisch From the beginning I was puzzled how such a rewarding scene as the shooting of Lincoln with all that goes with it (the theater, the assassin jumping in front of the audience with the rebel slogan on his lips, carrying Lincoln across the street) could be filmed so boringly and uninventively. Unfortunately, the film never turns it around. Redford's direction is as dry as his acting, and the most striking scenes are the courtroom ones (thank goodness they're plentiful), because there's a lot of talking and I don't have to at least wonder why the same dolly shot is being repeated for the fourth time. Then someone cleverly tried to enrich the visual boredom with added grain and accentuation of light sources in post-production, but that won't hold you for two hours... Ideal for a history lesson to get a sense of what it was (probably) like back then. ()

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