
Der an chronischen Schlafstörungen und Langeweile leidende Jack lernt den charismatischen Seifenverkäufer Tyler Durden kennen. Diese Begegnung verändert sein Leben radikal, denn Tyler glaubt, dass nur Selbstzerstörung das Leben wirklich lebenswert macht. Nach einer Sauftour beginnen die beiden, nur so zum Spaß, sich zu verprügeln und erleben dadurch den ultimativen Kick. Der "Fight Club" ist geboren und findet schnell Anhänger in ganz Amerika, die sich in geheimen Zirkeln schlagen, um die Freuden der physischen Gewalt zu erleben. Überwältigt gerät Jack immer tiefer in den faszinierenden Sog der Anarchie. Doch bald drohen Tylers terroristische Pläne außer Kontrolle zu geraten. Jack versucht ihn aufzuhalten und wird mit der schockierenden Wahrheit konfrontiert... (20th Century Fox Home Entertainment)


Kritiken (11)

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Englisch With the benefit of hindsight after about the sixtieth screening, there's a lot to be written and questioned about Fight Club. But no one can deny that it's clearly one of the best lit films of all time. ()


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Deutsch In meinem 18. Lebensjahr, als ich das System hasste, The Doors hörte und Pulp Fiction liebte, wäre Fight Club der Film meines Lebens gewesen. Aber heute bin ich der Meinung, dass ich ein Filmstar sein könnte, wenn ich es wirklich wollen und alles dafür machen würde. Und ich habe schon gelernt, mich im System zu bewegen. Das ist ein ausreichender Grund dazu, dass ich diesen Film nur als einen sehr effektvoll verfilmten Quatsch bezeichnen kann. ()


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Deutsch Maestro Fincher hat es wieder getan, und nach Sieben hat er einen Film gemacht, der in meinen Augen eine Stufe höher steht. Das Star-Trio Norton, Pitt und Carter war überzeugend, und die Schauspieler gaben ihr Bestes. Ein großartiges Thema, das auf den ersten Blick gewöhnlich wirkt (weil man Kämpfe in jedem anderen amerikanischen Film finden kann), aber wenn man tiefer eintaucht (dieser Film hat ein wirklich starkes psychologisches Potenzial), entsteht etwas Originelles (ein echtes Meisterstück). Das Beste ist natürlich die letzte Pointe (hier hat mich Fincher voll erwischt). Der Film gehört zwar nicht zu meinen Lieblingsfilmen (vielleicht stufe ich ihn mit der Zeit auf 4* herunter), aber er wird mir noch eine Weile im Kopf bleiben. ()


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Englisch An undisguised anarchist tinge of unapologetic shitting on the system? A satire on the emergence of terrorist groups seemingly based on good intentions? The hidden desires of a young man who wants to be something he can't be? Maybe none of it and maybe all of it together? In this case, I don’t care. The fact is that this is a brilliant piece of filmmaking with lots of great moments and food for thought. Fincher kicks ass. ()



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Englisch This is the richest interpretive film I know. Is it a critique of consumerism, a satire on the far-right and anarchist associations at the same time, or just a provocative thriller about the need for violence? Maybe all of it. In any case, it takes a good bit of genius to make it not look, through its shiny facade, like an angry young generation that wants to save the world with rocks in their hands, but rather like a serious ancient philosopher who has it all figured out to the last detail. It was a breakthrough life film for when I was in my 20s, and a decade later it’s (only) a fantastic cinematic ride without compromises, reflecting the end of the 1990s like few other things. ()


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Englisch The genius directing by David Fincher plays the main role in Fight Club, being able to keep up with the anarchically crazy literary manifestation by Palahniuk against the current lifestyle of western society. Someone else who contributed a lot toward the excellent result was Jim Uhls, who adapted the book into a screenplay that could be used to make a movie. Unarguably, the book is a stronger experience, but the movie also has much to offer, thanks to the actors, the technical side and, primarily, Fincher’s playfulness. On the other hand, the original book isn’t one of the best things ever to have trickled out of Palahniuk’s sick mind. ()


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Englisch The most indigestible, but intellectually and thematically the most charged and, perhaps for some, the most compelling David Fincher film. And after mature consideration, also my favorite. Anarchy, fights, and at times hopeless situations, depression, and despair. But above all, the life in it! The living energy of all the characters at any time of the day, night, or person. ()


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Englisch I consider Fight Club to be the directorial peak of David Fincher's work. The film, based on a literary adaptation of the difficult-to-classify American writer Palahniuk, chose violence as its main theme. Some films have cult status, and some truly deserve it. These are the films that can be discussed for hours, that can provoke and that one can keep coming back to. The perfectly crafted screenplay of Fight Club and Fincher's directorial mastery helped create a film that can be seen for the second or third time, and it can even be argued that with knowledge of the twist and the film's plot, rewatching becomes more interesting. The film features some bizarre situations, quotes, and insane human types that would be a highlight of any psychiatric clinic. Helena Bonham Carter's character is a fateful woman with whom a significant part of the male audience would get involved even at the cost of entering the club. Fincher's film offers no solutions, and it is difficult, basically impossible, to evaluate from what political positions it arises. It can be embraced by an anarchist just as much as by an inherent authoritarian. An intellectual might consider it a cruel indictment of violence, just as much as its uncritical celebration. Those who want to can just have fun with the life story of a chronic insomniac and his comrades, while others can find inspiration for making explosives and saving the world. In any case, one's time spent with this film is not wasted. Overall impression: 95%. This film features excellent casting, with Edward Norton excelling, for whom the role had to be exceptionally mentally and physically demanding. It also had a decent budget, which allowed Fincher to play with a variety of scenes and enrich them with visual effects, so the viewer can see in a matter of seconds how an empty apartment fills with consumerist trivialities, an old abandoned house transforms into a terrorist base. Fight Club offers a whole range of similar shots. It is an interesting film from all angles, difficult to pigeonhole, which may or may not be liked by audiences, but it is difficult to remain indifferent to it... ()


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Englisch The Fuck the system thing is okay, with a satirical undertone and plenty of references as well. No one can deny David Fincher's technical skill and thematic originality, but the philosophy misses the mark. A person can really be whatever they want, as long as they do what they should. But I understand that the masses are thrilled by it, how could they not, everything that is missing in other movies is here, or the other way around. ()


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Englisch Cult. Technically without hesitation (as it’s typical with Fincher), staying always one step ahead of the viewer, and always fun, original and solid. Maybe you’ll guess the twist, but even knowing it doesn’t affect the amazement at the ingenious deconstruction of the film space and the interpretive ambiguity. An excellent Norton and an equally good and inimitably cool Pitt. It’s impossible not to break the first rule – you don’t speak about Fight Club. 95% ()


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Englisch David Fincher demonstrates an incredible mastery not only in how well-crafted the entire story is, but especially in how it is filmed. The fact that the acting performances are stunning is expected, but what stands out is how film techniques are utilized: various camera swoops, the insertion of seemingly nonsensical flashes, and a mosaic of dreams and reality. David Fincher is the king of dark psychological thrillers, and he proves it with essentially every one of his films. ()