
Hochmotiviert bringt Phil den Klassenkameraden von Luke und Manny die tolle Welt des Maklertums näher. Doch dann taucht sein Erzfeind Gil auf. Mitch und Cam kämpfen mit den Pflichten als "Zahnfee". (Sky)

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Englisch I had a feeling that this episode was even weaker than the previous one and I was considering giving it three stars, but then I remembered my disappointment from the third season and decided to settle for a weaker four pieces. The fact is that I wasn't particularly amused by the adventures surrounding the Tooth Fairy, and this time Phil didn't really impress me either, which is concerning. 4* - // "I wanted to start writing after the divorce, but you know... life changed the plans." / "Remember that when you become ugly, this behavior won't fly anymore." "Hmmm, but you won't be here anymore!" ()