
The comedy unfolds in the attractive environs of the neverending filming of a TV serial. The performance opens up with wonderful interplay of relationships, characters, situations, conflicts, big hopes and ambitious plans interwoven with a love motif. At the end of this bizarre story we are surprised by the harmony created from the discord of authentic human emotions. Emil, is a friendly and good-natured sitcom actor who has perpetual bad luck. He witnesses a crime and, not wanting to testify, has to change his identity and completely disappear just at the time when he is offered a starring role and the girl of his dreams is willing to return his feelings. After some time he returns to the serial with a new, grotesquely ugly face which the media uses to turn Emil into the star of the serial and the idol of its viewers. He then decides to return to his former likeness, putting his life in jeopardy, but giving him a chance to experience true love. (Verleiher-Text)


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Deutsch Die Persönlichkeit des Produzenten/Regisseurs Miloslav Šmídmajer wird oft mit Filmen in Verbindung gebracht, die nicht unbedingt schlecht, aber auch nicht unbedingt gut sind. Er mag Jirka Mádl, junge, vielversprechende Schauspielerinnen (idealerweise aus der Slowakei) und versucht, das einst beliebte Genre der verrückten Komödien ins tschechische Kino zurückzubringen. Manchmal gelingt eine Teilidee, manchmal eine einzelne Idee, aber als Ganzes sind seine Filme schwächer. So entstanden ein recht interessantes Spiel und die Idee einer humorvollen Diskussion über die Hintergründe von etwas, das offensichtlich von der Serie Ulice inspiriert ist. Ich breche nicht den Stab über das Ergebnis, aber ich verstehe, dass selbst dieser so genannte Durchschnitt für die Existenz des Ganzen notwendig ist. Was den Vergleich mit dem gleichnamigen Bühnenstück angeht, so ist es wie immer: Das Stück gerät langsam auf die Ebene der Erinnerungen und der Film bleibt verfügbar. Das ist zwar schade, aber angesichts der Natur der einzelnen Medien eine Tatsache. Leider ist eine schlechte Verfilmung immer noch besser als gar keine. ()

Necrotongue booo!

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Englisch Without Bubun and KM Phoenix, who courageously venture into the jungle of Czech "comedy" production, I would not have known about this film at all, and I would have been deprived of another powerful experience. "Oh, you idiot!" Yes, that was my spontaneous reaction when the end credits rolled. Unfortunately, I don't expect much from Czech comedies anymore, especially if one of our commercial television stations is also involved, my concerns turn into certainty. The story was undoubtedly very well-crafted and incredibly funny, it's just that I, a miserable grump, couldn't properly appreciate it. However, I have to highlight the stroke of genius the creators pulled off; product placement within product placement (actually, a kind of product placement within a product placement) I had never seen before. I also have to mention a dialogue that completely cracked me up: "I finally opened it yesterday." "I know, I live in this house." "Really? That's cool. I'm from Slovakia." I wanted to say, "You can't make this up," but someone did... ()



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Englisch Only after finishing the movie I found out it is based on a successful theatre play. And I have to admit I quite understand why it is so successful. What I don’t understand is why this movie is so awful. It felt like I was watching soap opera kind of a thing. Not funny. ()

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