Iztochni piesi

  • Bulgarien Източни пиеси (mehr)


Hristo is a frustrated yet talented artist, earning a shabby living working in a furniture-making shop. He is also prone to bouts of severe depression and anxiety as he tries to get his life together after years of heroin addiction. One night, he gets drunk at a restaurant after dumping his needy girlfriend and stumbling home he witnesses a racist attack on a Turkish man, his wife and daughter. To his utmost surprise and horror, he finds himself face to face with his younger brother Georgi who, it seems, has decided to escape an empty home life with a domineering father and stepmother by hanging out with a group of skinheads and neo-Nazis. The incident has a strong impact on both brothers: Georgi reconsiders his involvement with the gang and Hristo sees a ray of hope in his newly developed feelings for beautiful Isil. (CinEast)



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