
In „Aquaman“ mit Jason Momoa in der Titelrolle geht es um die Vorgeschichte des halb menschlichen Atlanters Arthur Curry, der sich seinem Schicksal stellen muss, um herauszufinden, wer er wirklich ist: Verdient er es überhaupt, die ihm von Geburt an zustehende Königswürde anzunehmen? (Warner Bros. DE)

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Englisch Aquaman can't be denied one thing, it is truly monumental. James Wan sends countless creatures, monsters and strange beings to the screen, or at least actors in really crazy costumes. Is it overstuffed? Yes, but on the other hand, the magnificence is really impressive and on top of that, every single underwater creature was really elaborate. Something this gigantic and epic hasn't been done since Avatar. And when it starts moving or fighting, it looks great on screen. Unfortunately though, Aquaman has two quite possibly the worst Hollywood actors in the lead role and that's where it grinds. Wan does manage to restrain Jason Momoa and Amber Heard, giving them minimal room to act and mostly just doing what they're good at (looking good), but as soon as the film attempts romance, humour, or pathos, it doesn't work due to their ineptitude. Fortunately, it's not that often. In fact, I was also initially bothered by the rather chaotic narrative structure, where they jump from the present to the past so that the origin story can somehow be caught up quickly and what would otherwise be worthy of a standalone film is crammed into two scenes. And unfortunately, the level of stupidity also occasionally crosses the line. Still, I'll happily sign off that this is the best DC Comic film and if I were twelve, I'd want to sign up for a diving club. On the other hand, I'd rather watch four out of five Marvel movies than this one, because there's still the problem that previous Warner comic-book adaptations have struggled with: it takes itself too seriously for the crap it is. And yet, right here, during the scenes where Amber Heard is floating on a killer whale and shooting water lasers out of her hands, it really needed that bit of levity. ()


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Deutsch Ich bin was die neuen DC-Filme betrifft, publikumstechnisch nicht kompatibel, eigentlich bin ich auf deren Ton geradezu allergisch. Momoa ist ein sympatischer Kerl, jedoch sobald Wan das Pedal heruntertritt und die Kamera ihn beim Klang der Gitarren an sich heranzieht, verliere ich die letzten Milliliter meines Interesses an dieser Figur. Und ich spreche nicht einmal mehr von der Kategorie gepflegter betrügerischer Tölpel. This universe is not for me. ()


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Deutsch Aquaman ist der perfekte Film für den Kinobesuch, zu Hause ist das Erlebnis nur halb so gut. Ich werde warten mit einem neuerlichen Kinobesuch warten, bis der zweite Film herauskommt. Solos mit DC-Charakteren sind sehr gut. Es gibt auch viel Platz für Mera und Atlanna, und Arthur ist schlicht und einfach ein wandelndes Charisma, ein durch und durch sympathischer Typ. Jason Momoa hat es zum König der Coolen geschafft, Amber Heard ist ein sexy Knochen, Kidman ist seit Batman Forever DC treu, Willem Dafoe hat sich von Marvel abgewandt, Dolph Lundgren macht überraschenderweise auch etwas anderes als Ivan-Drago-Wiederholungen, und Temuera Morrison ist eine Legende vom anderen Ende der Welt. ()


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Deutsch Ich kann nicht behaupten, dass mir in Aquaman etwas gefehlt hätte. Genau im Gegenteil – er war mit allem Möglichen so vollgestopft, dass es für drei oder vier Knüller gereicht hätte. Und wegen diesem Drehbuch- und Regiefieber war ich – umgeben von all den möglichen und unmöglichen riesigen Actionszenen, Explosionen, Kämpfen, harten Blicken, Teenager-Witzen (die aber gepasst haben), Spezialeffekten und atemberaubenden Ideen bei der Ausstattung – schon in der Hälfte des Films satt. Ich möchte den Streifen aber nicht zu sehr kritisieren, weil ich nach den Trailern genau so etwas erwartet habe – Flash Gordon dieses Jahrtausends. Trotzdem hat es mir leidgetan, dass der Film z. B. gleich am Anfang einen ausgezeichneten Schurken mit einer verständlichen Motivation vorgestellt hat (die Szene im U-Boot war wirklich unbarmherzig bedrückend) und ihn dann später… Fast überhaupt nicht genutzt hat und aus ihm eine gewöhnliche Figur gemacht hat, die alle nur verprügelt. Wirklich schade, das hat Black Manta nicht verdient. Seine Figur hatte (hat?) sicherlich mehr Potenzial. Jason Momoa ist ursympathisch, aber das haben wir ja schon gewusst. Deshalb hat mich vor allem das komödiale Talent von Amber Heard überrascht und erfreut. Ja und Rupert Gregson-Williams hat nach Wonder Woman einen nächsten sehr guten Comic-Soundtrack komponiert, den man sich ohne Probleme auch nur so anhören kann (und es stört mich nicht, dass er ähnlich wie Mothersbaughs Thor 3 - Tag der Entscheidung klingt). ()



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Deutsch Aquaman ist wohl der bisher erfolgreichste Film aus dem DC-Universum, auch wenn einige Szenen etwas zu aufdringlich waren und sich manchmal ein Klischee an das andere reihte. Nichtsdestotrotz war es nett anzusehen, und die Macher haben sich in Sachen Fantasie und Design keine Grenzen gesetzt. Zeitweise erinnerte es stark an die Legende von Artus und seiner Jagd nach dem Heiligen Gral, der durch einen goldenen Dreizack ersetzt wurde. Neben genretypischen Aspekten wie Heldentum und Vergangenheitsbewältigung wirft der Film auch Schlaglichter auf aktuelle Themen wie "Plastikozeane" oder (In-)Toleranz gegenüber "Rassenmischung", was dem Ganzen einen tieferen und aktuelleren Sinn verleiht. Ein überaus farbenfroher Ausflug in die CGI-Tiefen, dem es zwar im Vergleich zu den Filmen aus dem Marvel-Universum an einer größeren Portion Humor mangelt, dem es aber keineswegs an Schwung, Action oder einer anständigen Besetzung fehlt. ()


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Deutsch Filmchallenge in Quarantäne - Lieblingsschauspielerinnen, Amber Heard. Phantastische Tierwesen und wo sie zu finden sind kommen ohne Johnny Depp aus, doch Amber Heard darf in der Fortsetzung von Aquaman einfach nicht fehlen. Ein Film, der eindeutig für die größte Leinwand mit dem am meisten überfüllten Ton bestimmt ist. Ich bedauere es unsäglich, dass mir diese Gelegenheit entgangen ist und ich deshalb nur ein Drittel des Erlebnisses hatte. Würde ich mich in einem Ozean voller Tiere, Ungeheuer und inmitten eines Kampfes wiederfinden, könnte ich das nicht anders als mit der vollen Punktzahl bewerten. ()


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Englisch An overwrought digital coloring book, and I almost want to write "literally" coloring book – looking at the CGI smoothed out faces almost made me throw up. This just shows the hypocrisy of some film critics who accused The Hobbit of CGI overkill (and ignored the fact that in many cases it was also handmade sets), and with Aquaman, which in terms of digital mess is two or three levels above, they are quiet in this respect. I didn’t feel it was alive, not even once. Not even a comic book feel, because even the worst DC comics have more life and multi-dimensional characters than Wan's boring one-dimensional archetypes. Boring, sterile like Znojmo’s pickles. ()


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Englisch Aquaman is a lot of things (suddenly and gradually). The origin story telling about the birth of the protagonist and the history of a nation, maternal melodrama turned upside down (from the perspective of the offspring, not the mother), an underwater Flash Gordon, a buddy movie (serving as the basis of an insipid romance), a fairy tale about two brothers, of whom only one can be king, a film in whose climactic scene the protagonists mounts a seahorse and his partner a killer whale ... ___ In purely structural terms, it holds together (thanks to a superfluous storyline with a vengeful pirate that motivates the hero’s transformation and forms the foundation for a sequel) and works rhythmically, but the tone changes every ten minutes (making Aquaman unintentionally reminiscent of South Korean multi-genre films) and the narrative is constantly helped along by the same processes (the dry “humanising” one-liners with which the protagonist responds to epic moments, shifting of the story with unexpected attacks by “water” soldiers). ___ My other reservations are rather problems that I personally have with the film – Jason Momoa does not come across as sexy to me and I am disgusted by the solving of problems with brute force, which he represents; Mera has to deal with most of the story in a scaly latex jumpsuit with a plunging neckline, and she acts competently mainly due to the fact that Aquaman is terrible by her side; the most reasonable actions are those of the villain who wants to start a war with humans because they pollute the oceans with their waste. ___ Visually and musically, Aquaman is great in places (it reminded me of Avatar, Blade Runner and Luc Besson’s better films; experts in old comic books may spot inspiration from other sources), and at least one action scene (Sicily) does not look like a noisy CGI clusterfuck, even if it steals from The Adventures of Tintin, The Bourne Supremacy, the second Captain America and scrolling video games. ___ As a guilty pleasure with overwrought ambitions (and a ginger Dolph Lundgren and sharks with laser cannons and Willem Dafoe, who plays a vizier named Vulko), it can be enjoyed without major pain. 65% ()


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Englisch DC tries its best and Aquaman is definitely not bad. James Wan was a good choice for the director’s stool and Jason Momoa as lead was also great. I can’t imagine anyone playing such character in a different and better way. I only add that the biggest surprise for me was Dolph Lundgren, who was having fun in his role and I can imagine him playing more similar parts. The problem of this film lies in the scenes that try so hard to be funny that they end up being painfully awkward. Jason Momoa tries to emulate Chris Harmsworth’s Thor’s humor, and in the beginning he didn’t manage to convince me. Over the time, however, I’ve become used to him and it wasn’t so bad. Patrick Wilson, too, is a rather ridiculous adversary, I don’t understand why everyone praises him so much. You see that when I’m writing this review it surprises me how many faults I’ve found with the film. I don’t even know why I’m so critical as I was actually more or less happy with it. It was a pleasant surprise from DC, even though it’d be a routine standard had it been made by Marvel. ()


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Englisch An unexpected surprise before the end of the year and James Wan confirmed that he can make anything. Aquaman, according to the trailers, looked like a marine digital mess, but in the end I got a visual orgy and I'm not afraid to say it’s Avatar underwater. Jason Momoa may not be a good actor, but he's good to watch and in fact I can't imagine anyone else in the role, Amber Heard's as his red wet colleague with her alluring cleavage will give many a man an erection in the cinema and I definitely have to praise the supporting cast of familiar faces featuring Nicole Kidman, the bad guy Patrick Wilson, Willem Dafoe and Dolph Lundgren. The film is incredible from start to finish, the action is loaded, spectacular, there are even contact fights, and the finale is so monstrous that it puts Godzilla and Pacific Rim to shame. In one scene, Wan even serves up a dense horror atmosphere with sea creatures reminiscent of Alien, and it really tugs at the heartstrings. The only thing that didn't work too well for me was the humour, but that can be forgiven. A visually impressive underwater adventure that hasn't been seen before and needs to be seen in the cinema! 90% ()


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Englisch The essence of adventure, which I haven't seen in a long time and which I still go to the cinema to find, written specifically for the rugged couch potato with the most likable dose of pure testosterone in his pocket. In the excitement of amazing special effects, unstoppable pacing, and spot-on casting, I easily forget how much the journey and combination of comic book themes resemble its neighbors from Marvel, specifically Thor and Black Panther. But for once, such imitation works perfectly, maybe because it easily shows its own face and with every major attraction (a battle between brothers, Sicily, the Depths), it shows how much heart and enthusiasm the creators, led by James Wan, put into it. Therefore, I wish the best of luck to those perpetual complainers, who were the loudest in complaining that DC comic adaptations are being taken too seriously, so they can now object intensely about carefree coloring books. However, after Wonder Woman, I myself can definitively say that infinitely interconnected worlds and teams are outdated in this universe, and innovative solo performances, mining their thankless world to the last drop, are on the right path. ()


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Englisch Roughly as OK as Wonder Woman. Aquaman benefits mainly from the innovative world that mixes together Star Wars and Avatar, with a pinch of Sahara desert sand and a dash of Sicily. Wan keeps the overwhelming story (according to the garrulous Geoff Johns) on a tight leash with great ideas and the movie's unbelievably sophisticated visual aspect. Momoa is all right (I can imagine even an R-rated version where he rips off people’s heads); his concept of the hero is attractive enough that he's able to carry this fantasy on his shoulders. Redhead Amber Heard is again a pleasure to watch. The biggest drawback of the film is probably the unintentionally funny Black Mamba, whose aquarium will probably bother Curry next time as well. ()


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Englisch A dull coloring book from DC that more than anything resembles the sterile world of Marvel with a host of good-hearted heroes and bad guys who oddly enough want to destroy or dominate the world. Plus points for the fact that this time it takes place underwater, thumbs up for the sound engineers and effects guys, who really went all out on the underwater cities, and Jason Momoa is cool and knows how to rock, something we've known for a while now. The story, though, it’s about nothing. ()


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Englisch I’m basically satisfied with how colourful the film is, how packed it is with various genre detours and episodes, how it holds itself pretty well together and, mainly, with how much fun it is. The attractive locations change often and the plans to fulfil the main goal are gradually rewritten, the fictional world is also mythologically rich enough and there are two motivated villains in the game. The screaming Momoa is quite likeable, the red-haired Amber Heard looks like out of PornHub and Patrick Wilson tries but cannot go beyond his cookie-cutter role. James Wan handles well the digital orgy on the surface and conjures up a couple of truly captivating scenes, but he can’t quite manage to imprint a unified distinctive identity and break free from the routine archetypical templates the film is made of. At times, those templates are effective and even fun (the exotic Sicily looks like plucked out of Tintin), but more often than not, they devalue the narrative as such (the stupidly slowed down hero moments, the ineffective romantic line and the poorly escalated climax). It’s nice that in its adventure scale Aquaman didn’t get stuck on a single lazy pattern and that it tries to bring some fresh air to the comic-book movie approach, but it’s still self-awarely silly and too simplistic in the way it solves the subplots to deserve the uncritical enthusiasm of my geek self and five stars. But many parts and the creative intentions could deserve 4*. 70% ()


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Englisch After previous failures in trying to build a strong comic book brand through a slightly different approach than rival Marvel, DC has already ditched all ambition and pulled it off with Aquaman. So it dumped 160 million, wrapped the entire interior of the studio in green screen, and cast Thor in the lead role, except played by someone else and named differently. The rest of the story is God's will. Giant leviathans alternate with unlikely romance, futurism meets fabricated myths that are always right, and by the halfway point it starts to feel very much like the series Adventure Time, except one that takes itself seriously. Probably the funniest thing for me was how the film argues throughout that it doesn't matter where you come from to be a ruler, only to repeat five times at the end from the mouths of various characters and creatures that Aquaman became one because he has royal blood in him. Heh heh. Anyway, it satisfied most of the guys from first world countries who constantly need to "let loose" and "unwind", so I guess it's a success. I don't know. ()


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Englisch I initially didn’t quite get James Wan’s transition from horror wizard to making a film about a man who can talk to fish. I didn’t think it was a good move and didn’t believe it could turn into a good film. However, the trailers promised a spectacle that could lift DC’s tarnished reputation. And it did. Aquaman made a huge amount of money, was generally well received by audiences, and I personally enjoyed its style. The lighter comic book form, full of vibrant colors, features a variety of creatures and civilizations living deep in the ocean (I now understand why the film is dubbed “Underwater Avatar”), a perfect protagonist, and an even better antagonist (well, actually two villains if I think about it). Patrick Wilson truly impressed me with his performance, making the most of his screen time. The chemistry between Momoa and Amber Heard also worked well. The story isn’t dazzling, but anyone expecting otherwise is being naive. I rate the final epic battle highly, as well as the rooftop chase in Sicily. And I almost forgot the soundtrack—it’s simply divine. I enjoyed it, which isn’t always the case. I give it 80%. P.S. I’m really looking forward to Black Manta. Bring on the sequel! :D ()


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Englisch The qualitative reboot of the DCEU succeeded this time around, and in a rather grandiose way. After the disastrous Justice League, it was a very wise decision to engage James Wan, who put a whole new face on the entire universe after all those "Snyder-esque" coloring books, and bet on an inventive, playful, and still maximally professional approach. With no references to the rest of the universe, this has resulted in an essentially completely self-contained film that is thankfully unencumbered by the usual ills of other DCEU films, such as flat, sometimes even moronic characters and self-indulgent digital chaos. James Wan has managed to build a wonderful fairytale world, from which you can sense (finally, in something from the DCEU!) the right passion for the entire subject and an admirable eye for all sorts of details. All of it is also really consistent, which can't be said for the rest of the DCEU output even with both eyes closed. As such Aquaman is ALMOST in all respects an exemplary comic book popcorn movie with a charming fairytale atmosphere, a host of likable actors, and the best visuals since Avatar. Unfortunately, it's a bit weak emotionally at key moments and doesn't use all the characters to their full potential, which is really the only major complaint. I applaud and look forward to what’s next. ()


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Englisch I would never have thought that the most ridiculed superhero of all time would get the most epic origin story in years, in the style of Avatar, Tron and Valerian combined, under the direction of the amazing James Wan, who made the practically impossible happen. He was able to turn the confusing CGI mess so typical of Warner into an epic fairy tale with action that is easy to follow, and even though the underwater environment made it even more difficult for the creators, it's always perfectly clear what's happening on screen and it never gets chaotic. There's no need to worry about the logic of the story or originality of the script, because it’s true here more than anywhere else that a visually perfect cover can hide the shortcomings of the content. It works great as a relaxing fairy tale. ()

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