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In einer verschlafenen Gegend in England treibt ein Serienkiller sein Unwesen. Der sogenannte Baum Chirurg schlachtet seine Opfer regelrecht ab und hängt ihre abgehackten Körperteile an Bäumen auf. Genau in dieser Gegend machen Calvin, Paige, Mandy und Tristan Urlaub. Als sie in der Nacht auf einen schwer verwundeten Mann treffen, wächst ihr Misstrauen gegenüber dem Fremden. Und als auch noch Calvin verschwindet, steigert sich ihr Misstrauen in panische Angst. Wem können sie noch trauen? Schon bald wird ihr Trip zu einem höllischen Alptraum. (Silverline Movie Channel)


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J*A*S*M booo!

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Englisch Yeah, I wouldn’t like this English flick for anything in the world. By me for you know whom… ()

Malarkey booo!

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Englisch The film took itself so seriously, which only made it funnier. The standout character was Tristan, who looked like a freshly-shaven Rasputin. From the start, you’d think he was the only sane one in the bunch, but nope—everyone’s behavior went so off the rails, it felt like the movie was written on a cocaine-fueled whim. Seriously, you couldn't predict a thing. One girl watches her friend straight-up murder someone and, when he asks to come inside, she hesitates for a second... then lets him in. And surprise—he stabs her. Genius. The opening scene? It’s a girl running through the woods in her underwear. Classic. Because, obviously, that’s what everyone does in a horror movie, right? But the real question is: why was she even running around in her underwear? It was all a mess, but in the most entertaining way possible. And Tristan? Iconic. The only disappointment? They should've given him some mysterious backstory, like a Romanian vampire or something. He had that vibe. ()