
Trailer 1


Der letzte große Erfolg von Krimiautor Ellison Oswalt (Ethan Hawke) liegt schon Jahre zurück. Als er mit seiner Familie aus finanziellen Gründen umziehen muß, erwähnt er nichts von der dunklen Geschichte des neuen Hauses: Vor Jahren kam dort eine Familie auf brutale Weise um. Auf der nächtlichen Suche nach Inspiration für seinen neuen Kriminalroman findet Ellison auf dem Dachboden eine Kiste mit alten Filmrollen, die neben Familienaufnahmen des Vorbesitzers auch äußerst verstörende Sequenzen anderer Familien enthalten. Während Ellison versucht, das Geheimnis um die Aufnahmen zu lüften, scheint eine dunkle Macht von seinen Kindern Besitz zu ergreifen. Wird er schnell genug sein, um sie zu retten...? (Universal Pictures Germany)


Kritiken (11)

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Englisch Mr. Boogie and his collection of home movies, like “mowing the lawn" and “barbeque" in action. A wild soundtrack, then primarily an excellent atmosphere and a twist for all mystery fans. The couple of references to Stephen King are also very fine, the same applies to the actors. Ethan Hawke acts precisely in between nice guy/madman who never gives up and his wife and kid are also really fine. The high point of the picture of course was watching the movies filmed on Super 8. P.S.: The extended version is sometimes seriously better than the original. ()


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Deutsch Ausgezeichnet verfilmt, mit einer schwülen Stimmung, aber nach einem extrem abgeleierten Drehbuch ohne einen einzigen überraschenden Moment, eine einzige überraschende Aufnahme oder Wende. Und das Finale ist ausgesprochen schwach. Der Nachspann à la Sieben ist cool. ()


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Deutsch Super 8 in der Rolle eines mächtigen Artefakts sowie eines Tors zwischen den Welten, ein umher irrendes Mitglied der Band MAYHEM in der Rolle einer Art von Foltergeist ... Obwohl es sich wieder um eine Art Recycling sämtlicher bekannten Zutaten handelt, ist diese Verbindung keineswegs ein allgemein und dumm. Es handelt sich hierbei um das Motiv eines von verblasstem Ruhm besessenen Schriftstellers, der seine Seele verkauft und die Prinzipien verrät (wir alle wissen, was dann folgt ...), um das Motiv eines Films, welcher "den Kreaturen den Lebenssaft her aussaugt", um eine Klangkomponente, die zwischen einem industriellen Ton sowie einer Radiostörung in einem türkischen Minarett oszilliert ... Es ist schade, dass Derrickson sich ein paar billige Momente vom Typ "und damit schlägt er sich selbst die gesamten Kinotüren zu“ erspart und es nicht bei der langen nervösen Atmosphäre belässt, welche doch schön radiert. Das Serienmordmotiv, das es den Zuschauern ermöglicht, den Film anders als "reines und unheimliches Adrenalin" wahrzunehmen, ist keineswegs nutzlos. Zumindest ist es dem "Mysterium" (egal wie weit) gelungen, mich so richtig zu packen. Im Allgemeinen mag ich US-Horrorfilme eher weniger, doch dieser hat es in sich. ()


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Deutsch Trotz des abgegriffenen Themas ist Sinister ein Stück ehrlicher Filmkunst. Schauspielerisch in Ordnung (außerdem mag ich Hawke, also gab es nichts zu diskutieren), auch das Spiel von Licht und Schatten ist ausgezeichnet, aber eines der wichtigsten Elemente war der großartige Sound mit depressiver Young'scher Musik. Vor allem ihretwegen machen die Filme aus dem Projektor einen wirklich erschreckenden Eindruck. Manchmal Wahnsinn. Leider verliert die zweite Hälfte durch die schrittweise Enthüllung den Stempel des Mystischen und steuert auf die erwartete Auflösung zu. Und die Kinder hätten die Macher komplett weglassen können. Also definitiv gruselig, aber nicht perfekt. Wenn ich mir schließlich den besten Schocker aussuchen müsste, wähle ich definitiv den Rasenmäher! Hammer... PS: Der Kinosaal war leer, deshalb konnte ich das sympathische Paar von zwei Rentnern hinter mir nicht übersehen. Ich verstehe es überhaupt nicht, aber sie haben den Film unglaublich genossen. Hut ab :) ()



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Deutsch Dieser Film hat mich nicht besonders beeindruckt, erschreckt oder verängstigt. Nicht wirklich. Ich bin eher enttäuscht. Die übernatürlichen Elemente kamen mir in Sinister überflüssig oder sogar peinlich vor, die Musik war schrecklich (fast alle Szenen, bei denen lieber Stille herrschen sollte, wurden von der Musik begleitet), die Geschichte abgeleiert… Die allgegenwärtige Dunkelheit hat mich unglaublich irritiert, obwohl es sich wahrscheinlich um eine Absicht des Regisseurs handelt. Manchmal hat der Film wie ein seltsames Hörspiel gewirkt (ich hatte eine DVD und habe mir den Film nachts angeschaut – trotzdem hatte ich Schwierigkeiten zu unterscheiden, was was ist, wer wer ist usw.). Der Film hätte besser sein können. ()


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Englisch A very traditional horror premise in a perfect package. Basically, it’s very similar to last year’s Insidious, but slower, quieter, more depressive and more unsettling. Whereas Insidious relies mostly on shocking jump-scares and a dreamy horror atmosphere in the climax, Sinister slowly and gradually reveals the mystery of several murdered families, makes clear that the horrible demon is very near, and makes the fear crawl under your skin. In short, it’s not a gratifying horror ride like last year’s gem by Wan, but it can arouse unpleasant feelings very successfully. Demons, so hot right now :) Certainly, one of the best horror movies of the year, and when it comes to pure genre, probably at the top. It’s (unfortunately) not very often that we get such pure movie terror. Thanks HCE for letting us enjoy it in Czech cinemas this time. ()


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Englisch Derrickson's got it handled, no doubt about it. He just follows the routine template that doesn't offer a single surprise, and ultimately sells even the extended cut's point as expected from the first screening. That’s perhaps a bit of a shame, as Hawke's excellent performance, solid direction and Young's impressive soundtrack pull it high into the red otherwise. [Inside joke: Norwegian black metal and Pishin on the left did their thing in the movie theater. :)] ()


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Englisch I was looking forward to another ghost horror movie modeled after Insidious but in the end, I was slightly disappointed. Basically, it’s not so much about the idea which is great, nor is it the filmmaking that’s obviously well-made. But it’s worse with its individual moments that didn’t make sense to me. The film just doesn’t explain some things to the viewer, so the film throws the viewers right into the center of the action and wants them to fight with it by themselves. Ethan Hawke moves into the house with his family and as it’s customary, finds old videotapes from the Super8 camera in the attic, which is the start of it all. The film doesn’t explain to us why they move into the new apartment or what he actually does for work. Even after the end of the film, I didn’t really understand what his character was actually doing. Did he write books based on real unresolved cases? It must be added that he did not write a single word for the entire film. Hard to say. However, the processing and the idea are good. There is nothing wrong with that. The rest is debatable. ()


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Englisch I was really looking forward to Sinister because my favorite reviewers usually give it 4 stars and add positive comments, where the word "atmosphere" is often mentioned. After watching it, I am mostly puzzled and have a mediocre impression of it. The only thing I can fully appreciate is the sound work. If I saw the movie in a decent mood at the movie theater, it is quite possible that I would lean towards giving it three stars. The rest is somewhat routine, predictable, and not innovative within the genre, although decently crafted. It did not impress me. It did not even come close to evoking the emotions that, let's say, watching The Ring once did. Simply put, a horror that does not evoke tension does not work as it should. Overall impression: 45%. ()


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Englisch Sinister is certainly no S(s)hining, whether I'm referring to the creative one or the brilliant and still-unsurpassed Kubrick horror, and Scott Derrickson draws material from perhaps every major horror title, starting with the aforementioned The Shining and ending with the amateurish Blair Witch, but it's still one of the best and most story-integrated horror films of recent years. The initial boredom caused great apprehension, but with the gradual unravelling of the murder mystery the film picks up the pace, the atmosphere thickens with each passing minute and I had to wipe the sweat from my brow as I wandered through the dark corridors at night. As it has been mentioned many times, Derrickson doesn't come up with anything new and his attempt to combine a classic spiritual horror with a dark thriller about a brutal serial killer may not be to everyone's taste, and it also squeaks at times, but at the same time, he keeps a close eye on the script, doesn't let it drown in the deadly waters of clichés, and with the help of a very convincing Ethan Hawke and well chosen interiors (another salute to master Kubrick), he plays with the audience's nerves. And if the climax is from the weaker barrel, the rest of the film makes up for it and there is really little missing for a full rating. For me, the best horror film of the year, without doubt. ()


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Englisch Along with Christopher Young, Scott Derrickson manages just as with The Exorcism of Emily Rose to create an impressive atmosphere – this time in a very distinctive way with the help of "music" (or rather, a cluster of sounds that are supposed to be some kind of soundtrack), the effects of which are hellishly depressing and not only fit the film as such, but even surpass its purpose in the end – and for a very simple reason: aside from the fact that it fashions the atmosphere (and at times even creates it from scratch), which is more than half the experience here, it really works as a stand-alone means of creating an uncomfortably vague tension (which with music alone is very impressive). The other aspects of the film are probably worth mentioning as well – Sinister is obviously a horror film, but a certain whodunit plot and a little family drama have a firm place in it. I'm not a horror fan or anything like that, so I won't analyze the scariness or believability of the story here, but a wise friend once told me that a good horror movie (depending on how we imagine or define good horror for ourselves, of course) is all about the characters. Ethan Hawke is quite believable in his performance as a father who internally struggles with his own selfishness and strong recklessness in his own desire for recognition (fame), while on the other hand trying to love and provide for his family as much as he can (I would add that I don't consider this to be the film's fulcrum, of course, but rather an integral part of the whole). While I'm not really a fan of the horror genre, what I do appreciate about this film is that it's suspenseful, scary, atmospheric, and has an interesting occult feel to it and an impressive ending (not unexpected or shocking, but impressive for sure) in which you also get to see a demonstration of the painter's distinctive artistry. A very pleasant surprise and proof that Scott Derrickson is simply a whiz at atmospheric scares. ()