
Seit Jahren ist das Ehepaar Andy und Vicki McGee auf der Flucht, bemüht, seine Tochter Charlie vor einer geheimen Regierungsorganisation namens "Die Firma" zu schützen. Die Elfjährige besitzt pyrokinetische Fähigkeiten, die es ihr ermöglichen, Feuer allein durch ihre Gedanken zu entfachen. Aus diesem Grund will "Die Firma" das Mädchen als Massenvernichtungswaffe einsetzen ... (ProSieben)


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Englisch The only bright spot is the music, co-written by John Cerpenter, it’s a really good, proper horror soundtrack. Otherwise, the film is completely devoid of sparkle – pun not intended. The screenplay in particular feels like a lot is missing. ()


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Englisch An attempt at a Carpenter horror film, but the most Carpenter things about it are the music (which John Carpenter actually composed in part) and the list of carpenters in the end credits (which is kind of my attempt at a joke). The source material is one of those King books I read some twenty years ago and remember only the basic plot, but even so it is clear to me that the filmmakers misunderstood it and turned it into a bland, almost second-rate made-for-TV movie with uninteresting characters, which was not saved even by the cast led by the horribly miscast Zac Efron. The more seriously the film takes itself, the more ridiculous it gets. I'm sorry, but this is one of the worst King adaptations I've seen so far. ()


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