Angst über der Stadt

  • Bundesrepublik Deutschland Angst über der Stadt (mehr)

Streaming (1)


Ein grausamer Serienkiller versetzt Paris in Angst und Schrecken: Er tötet Frauen, die nach seiner Meinung einen sündigen Lebenswandel führen. Zugleich treibt er ein diabolisches Katz-und-Maus-Spiel mit der Polizei, indem er dem Kommissar Letellier nach jeder Tat einen kleinen Teil eines Fotos von sich selbst zuschickt. Mit allen Mitteln versucht der knallharte Ermittler, dem Psychopathen auf die Spur zu kommen. Aber gerade als sich die Chance bietet, den Killer zu schnappen, kommt ihm der flüchtige Gangster Marcucci in die Quere. Mit ihm hat Letellier noch eine Rechnung zu begleichen. (ARD)


Kritiken (2)

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Englisch Fear Over the City is a classic film with Jean-Paul Belmondo. It features the harsh reality of the French film school with everything it entails. It’s a play of eyes, music, feelings and emotions. And all in a way that only the good old French of the 70s and 80s were able to pull off. ()


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Englisch Dirty Harry French style. Belmondo as a cop with an unconventional approach to criminals – I don't think the fingers on both hands would be enough to count the number of times we've seen Jean Paul in this role. Judging by the action in the film (pretty over-the-top) and knowing that Belmondo co-produced it, one can't help but think that it was made mainly to show how macho he still is and the nice stunts he still has in store (it must be said, in this respect he had no competition among his fellow actors, not even in the legendary stunt doubles "denier" Steve McQueen). Because the trivial plot is definitely not the highlight of Fear over the City, where the logic took a day off and some of the plot holes are unbelievable. All crowned by an ultra-violent villain who would look great in any parody. There are plenty of Belmondo movies that still feel fresh and inventive, this one is not one of them. ()

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