
  • Australien OXV: The Manual (mehr)


In einer Welt, die der unseren nicht unähnlich ist, definiert die individuelle Frequenz eines Menschen sein Schicksal. Menschen mit einer hohen Frequenz sind vom Glück gesegnet - Erfolg im Leben und in der Liebe ist ihnen sicher. Doch je niedriger die Frequenz, desto mehr wendet sich das Schicksal gegen einen. Die junge Marie ist geradezu ein Wunderkind, derart hoch ist ihre Frequenz. Das genaue Gegenteil von ihr ist Zak, dessen Frequenz schon fast rekordverdächtig niedrig ist. Da das Zusammentreffen von Menschen mit extrem gegensätzlichen Frequenzen in dieser Welt gefährliche Einflüsse auf die Umwelt ausübt, ist eine romantische Verbindung zwischen beiden schon von Natur aus nicht möglich. Doch ausgerechnet in die gefühlskalte Marie verliebt sich Zak so sehr, dass er es zu seiner Lebensaufgabe macht, einen Ausweg aus diesem Dilemma zu finden. Tatsächlich scheint er nach Jahren eine Möglichkeit gefunden zu haben, wie er die Naturgesetze umgehen und mit Marie zusammen sein kann. Doch wie es Frequenzen so an sich haben, wirken Manipulationen wellenartig und viel weitreichender als bedacht. Hat Zaks Liebe zu Marie wirklich eine Chance? Und gefährdet er, wie man ihm Glauben machen will, tatsächlich die Existenz seiner Welt? (Ascot Elite Home Entertainment)


Kritiken (2)


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Englisch Definitely an interesting film that impressed me with how well thought-out it is. On the other hand, it's not something that would wow the masses. But that's what the film was also shot for. As a philosophical variation on romance, it works well, just like a lecture on the chosen topic. I like how deep the philosophy presented here is, and it's really well thought out. ()


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Englisch So, a couple of days after a methodology exam and a couple of days before a philosophy one, I sit down to watch this film. It must be fate, it was perfectly timed. Frequencies is a hard film to classify with a genre, it could be called a sci-phi (science-philosophy) romance with some dark, mysterious elements. But don’t expect another Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, this one is a lot more philosophical, a lot more scientific and also a lot less romantic; sometimes I felt I was in a lecture – which, to avoid misunderstanding, I don’t mean as a complain. The story takes place in the near future, probably, when it’s possible to measure the frequencies of people. People with low frequencies are less synchronised with the world around (basically, they are unlucky), while at the same time they are gifted with empathy (emotional feeling). In contrast, people with high frequencies are embraced by nature (they are lucky), but at the same time, “they don't care” (they don’t have emotions). At one university for genius children, a boy with extremely low frequency meets a girl with extremely high frequency. If two people like these meet and remain close for longer than a moment, their divergent frequencies will likely cause some kind of catastrophe (the girl with the lucky charge repels the boy with the unlucky charge, “they aren’t compatible”). The boy falls in love with the girl and spends years thinking about how to balance his frequency and establish harmony, so the girl will have feelings and it will also be safe for them to say close to each other longer than a minute. But how is it possible that a boy with such low frequency has got so lucky that he’s able to defy fate? Isn’t there a catch in the form of a dangerous side effect?… And that’s just the beginning. The system, or rather, the mythology the creators have come up with is much deeper and more complicated. If you want to enjoy this film, you can’t turn off your brain. What’s great is how the world gets more complicated with each twist, but it still makes sense somehow. On top of that, the story taking place in that world isn’t told in an ordinary fashion, quite the opposite in fact. It was a big surprise, but there could have been more emotions. But, as the characters say: “Does it matter” – “Not to me.” ()


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