Stranger Things - Season 1


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In Hawkins, Indiana, spielen sich merkwürdige Dinge ab; so taucht nach dem Verschwinden eines kleinen Jungen plötzlich ein Mädchen mit übermenschlichen Kräften auf. (Netflix)

Kritiken (4)

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alle Kritiken (zu dieser Serie)

Englisch After seeing the poster for the series, I thought this would be great. The reviews have confirmed that for me. The first season convinced us that we have something special here, even if it's not inherently revelatory. The series has a great retro style, well-chosen actors (especially the child characters), absolutely stunning music, and horror moments that will get to you. I can't wait for the second season, although I'm a little worried about where it will go. ()


alle Kritiken (zu dieser Serie)

Deutsch Es ist wie eine ausgezeichnete Verfilmung von einem ausgezeichneten Buch… Nur mit dem Unterschied, dass es keine Vorlage gibt. Umso mehr muss man die Arbeit der Drehbuchautoren und Regisseure bewundern, die nicht nur eine Menge an Ideen hatten, sondern auch vernünftig waren. Es haben ihnen acht Folgen gereicht und es ist gelungen, eine Serie zu machen, die keine schwachen und langweiligen Momente hat. Von den Schauspielern hat mich David Harbour sehr nett überrascht (für den neuen Hellboy eine wirklich gute Wahl, wenn es schon sein musste). Ich habe mich auch über Winona Ryder gefreut. Die Kinder waren perfekt. ()


alle Kritiken

Englisch I rather enjoyed it and it kept my attention. The fish was sitting next to me doing his own thing, but since it was playing out loud, it was only the music that scared him; so in terms of sound, the series is very good. The child actors weren't annoying; yes, toothless and overly wise like no one else, but in the end I was probably the most entertained of all by the kids. It built up gradually and I'm glad it didn't have more episodes, because all it would have taken was one more episode and all the tension would have dissipated. Interesting portrayal of interpersonal relationships and the supernatural. In the end, it was a fairly brisk series and I'm curious to see what the second season, which I'm told sucks, has to offer. So we'll see. A weaker 4 stars. ()


alle Kritiken (zu dieser Serie)

Englisch After the first season, I'm very happy. I've always liked great stories about kids’ groups, even though, paradoxically, I'm actually not a huge fan of child actors in film and on TV. However, the creators took it in the right direction, obviously inspired by Stephen King’s stories and E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial. They set up an atmosphere of subtle nervousness, escalating suspense and convincing action, which was right up my alley and I can't rate it other than five stars. ()

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