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Im Schottland des 14. Jahrhunderts erlangt Robert Bruce die Krone und führt einen erbitterten Aufstand an, um sein Land von der englischen Herrschaft zu befreien. (Netflix)

Kritiken (15)

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Deutsch 100 Minuten an abwechselnd epischen, blutigen und großzügig gestalteten Szenen sowie Dialogen, die ein wenig nach einer kitschigen historischen TV-Serie riechen. Mackenzie strebt nach dunklen mittelalterlichen fleisch- und blutgetränkten Aufnahmen, was ihm in den Massenansammlungsszenen sowie einigen Quadraturen der Schotten gelingt, ein andermal schlittert er zu oberflächlichem Geklimper und gälischem Kitsch ab. Pine gefällt mir jedoch sehr gut. Es handelt sich hierbei keineswegs um eine übertriebene Machokarrikatur, sondern um einen Mann, der seit einem gewissen Augenblick ruhig und unerschüttert seinem Ziel nachgeht... manch einem mag dies seltsam erscheinen, dass sie gerade einem solchen Anführer folgen - ich verstehe sie. Ich würde ihm auch folgen. Übrigens scheint Aaron Taylor-Johnson zum ersten Mal in seiner gesamten Karriere eine Vorliebe für rohes Rindfleisch zu haben. ()


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Deutsch Eine schöne Ausstattung und eine lobenswerte Vorstellung einer historischen Persönlichkeit, die in der Filmwelt nicht so bekannt ist, aber beachtenswerte Verdienste hat (ihr politischer Vorgänger William Wallace steht immer im mehr Vordergrund). Mit dem Genre kann man auch zufrieden sein, der Film enthält alle notwendigen Mainstream-Attribute. Das, was mich hier aber an einem richtigen Erlebnis hinderte, war die Vorhersagbarkeit und die erzählerische Einfallslosigkeit ohne eine persönliche Beteiligung, vor allem seitens des Regisseurs. Es fehlten Szenen und Momente, durch die sich der Film von anderen ähnlichen Werken unterscheiden würde. Ich würde sie sogar mehr als die Kämpfe schätzen. Der Film könnte auch einen besseren Soundtrack haben, nicht nur einen völlig durchschnittlichen. ()


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Deutsch Ich bin kein Fan von historischen Kriegsfilmen, aber die Besetzung - siehe Florence Pugh und Chris Pine - hat mich dazu verleitet, mir Outlaw King anzusehen, und auch die Figur des Robert the Bruce, die nicht so bekannt ist, hat mich fasziniert. Die Darstellung des Mittelalters mit all seinen unglücklichen Attributen war durchaus gelungen, aber ich empfand sie als so flach und emotionslos - sowohl in der kriegsgeschichtlichen als auch in der biografisch-romantischen Linie. Aber vielleicht liegt es auch daran, dass ich nicht wirklich zur Zielgruppe gehöre. ()


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Englisch I've been missing this genre quite a bit, so I ended up enjoying the historical drama Outlaw King quite a bit (despite a few things that weren't quite right). Chris Pine could have been maybe a bit more... active, on the other hand his lack of emotion here is pretty much compensated by Aaron Taylor-Johnson's surprisingly interesting character and a very good Florence Pugh. However, nobody will probably watch it for them anyway, so more importantly, David Mackenzie has done a great job of creating the atmosphere of that nasty medieval era you really don't want to live in. It's muddy, it's cold, it's raining all the time, everybody's dirty and you die on the fly. It also plays on reality (or near-reality), so the battles are appropriately gritty but not overly explicit, and I never felt like the violence was an end in itself. Moreover, the final clash between the two armies is a real treat and it's a shame we can't enjoy it in the cinema. Unfortunately, however, the result shows that a lot of editing had to be done, and perhaps the entire middle third or the "Robin Hood" passage would have deserved a little more space. Overall, it's a good historical drama that's fun to watch, and there have been remarkably few of those in recent years. So for me, I'm satisfied. ()



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Englisch In 2008, Netflix proved that it is also able of producing high-budget period blockbusters with good actors and a skilled director. One such proof is Outlaw King, which more or less picks up where Braveheart left off. Even though I had some trouble to understand who is who in the beginning, it wasn’t that difficult after all. The Scots were fighting for their independence, and Chris Pine proved that the older he gets, the better the performances he delivers. A great movie! Outlaw King might be the best period movie of 2018. Some scenes are borderline genius. ()


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Englisch A direct follow-up of the Braveheart, which is definitely more precise in terms of history, however not faithful, not even remotely. However, which does not matter in the genre move, not at all. It has only one major problem; it is too abbreviated in two-hour footage. In addition, in a way that strikes the eye or it start talking about many topics, but nothing more. Even, especially in the middle part, so much that I doubt that I would not blame the same for the twenty-minute longer version that was screened at festivals. Otherwise, it's a dirty historical chamber feature film (no, it's not as contradictory as it would seem), which follows the classic plot of “historical David versus Goliath", but it has an atmosphere, a beautiful set design and a camera (and it's not just about taking advantage of the Scottish Highlands or the introductory nine-minute one-shot scene), an uncompromising battle scene, a soundtrack connected by folk hackneyed songs and surprisingly good performances for such a butchery (perhaps only Edward is a way too excessive cartoon character). This includes Pine, where out of necessity the virtue “so that he doesn't have to speak much of a Scottish accent" is transformed into one of his strengths, because a quiet role based purely on charisma will surprisingly suit him. Outlaw King is exactly what it promised to be. It just had to be longer and therefore not so straightforward. Which, of course, wouldn't matter if it weren't clear from the final cut that the original ambitions were greater. ()


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Englisch David Mackenzie is awesome and after Hell or High Water he serves up the best historical film of the decade with the excellent Chris Pine improving film by film. Absolutely everything works here, the accurate history, the spectacular production design, the impressive costumes and sets (gorgeous castles), the naked queen is not missing, the impressive milking of emotions throughout the film, and most importantly, the spectacular battles where blood and bodies are certainly not spared. The scene with the horses is an absolute highlight of the genre and will probably make horse lovers cry. High praise also goes to Douglas, who steals most of the scenes for himself and is horrifically brutal in them. A wonderful and near-perfect film and experience, where my only regret is that I couldn't see it on the big screen. One of the best films of the year. After a second viewing the enthusiasm has waned slightly, but still good. 80% ()


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Englisch More than an unofficial sequel to Braveheart, Robert the Bruce and his journey resemble a half-hearted remake. There are betrayals, loves, and magnificent battles here too, but while Mel Gibson unnecessarily deviated from historical realities, he was forgiven because with every twist he tore the viewer's heart apart. David Mackenzie holds onto history more firmly and adds more gritty combat, but I can't shake the feeling that it's all too superficial. The opening interaction doesn't work for me as an introduction to the plot, but rather as a teaser taking the form of a scene without cuts. The exposed intestines don't make a point about the horrors of war, but just come out of a person in all their nakedness; warm feelings arise between newlyweds in just a single cut. And Chris Pine, an eternal charmer and rascal at first sight, is only just maturing into the role of thoughtful ruler. In this case, the king is a brave and pleasantly uncompromising figure, but his battle songs desperately lack heart. ()


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Englisch Everyone whose mouth waters over Game of Thrones should have a look at the final bloodbath in the marshes to see how it’s done properly. Pine is excellent with effortless acting and the romantic storyline with Florence Pough works well. A brutally realistic view of Scottish history in which every shot of London opens with William Wallace’s rotting head impaled on a stake. Fantastic camerawork and nice Scottish songs. P.S: Probably the first role in which I thought Aaron Taylor-Johnson was any good. DOUGLAAAS!!!! ()


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Englisch A prequel to Braveheart, which ironically tells the story after it. Pine is an interesting choice for a medieval protagonist and it has to be said that he fits Robert the Bruce quite well, although it doesn't seem like it at first. Mackenzie makes up for the poor script and the lack of strong emotions with a slick medieval carnage, not quite good enough, but certainly above standard within the genre. Of course, in terms of epic, romantic line or directorial virtuosity, it doesn't even come close to Gibson. ()


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Englisch An impeccable historical film, just impeccable. I really have nothing to criticize, although I would appreciate it if the film was longer, because few recent films deserve it as much as this one. It’s all good, though. Even so, it is an attractive story with a tremendous gradient, constantly gaining pace and dramatism, funny in such a “guy" way, but it’s definitely not only for lovers of medieval battle films. The film is still about the characters, and thanks to the excellent actors, we also care about them. Chris Pine has a bit of Connery in him, Aaron Taylor-Johnson is madly wild beyond recognition, the virulent Florence Pugh hasn't let me down even once, and he didn't this time either... I would compare it with Braveheart and I see the two films at almost the same level. ()


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Englisch Despite the production values and its ambitions, Outlaw King is very sloppy. The final two-hour cut consists of mechanically connected scenes that by the most part lack any development or initiative of their own that would make them memorable or that would at least build an emotional base. The uninteresting direction relies solely on the period atmosphere, a fast pace and the charisma of Chris Pine, which, together with brutal action scenes should be enough to keep the viewers happy – the only exception is the opening scene on a single take, where you can at least see some author’s touch, but is also an unjustified and weird exception (and this is a stronger opinion) in an otherwise classically edited film. I’d love to watch the original uncut version, this is nothing but a weak copy of Braveheart and a weak 3*. ()


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Englisch I did expect the film to be much worse. I thought the creators would twist historical facts to suit their needs, and they did, but unlike in Braveheart, I wasn't flooded by pathos. The main character didn’t usurp all the attention (quite the contrary) and the film was sort of nice to watch. The medieval butchering, gutting and quartering was handled very well, the atmosphere was typically Scottish and grim, and when the front brake was pressed on a galloping horse, things got interesting. I was satisfied. ()


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Englisch Although I still can’t place Braveheart in the category of films I’ve seen, this loose sequel makes me think it’s about time I watch it. At first, I wasn’t entirely sure if Netflix could deliver a solid historical film that doesn’t shy away from the gritty details. Despite the budget boasting numerous zeros, something kept gnawing at me. My mistake. Everyone was perfect in their roles, and the grimness of the medieval period was captured with remarkable realism. I’m glad to see the stunning, sometimes almost magical landscape of Scotland; that country truly has a lot to offer! The cinematographer did a fantastic job with shots of this incredible landscape, which was a delight. I’ll probably always associate Chris Pine with Captain Kirk from Star Trek, but know that this role was tailor-made for him. And his superb Scottish accent—I believe it wasn’t easy to learn. I truly tip my hat to that. The captivating music and the brutally depicted battles (I didn’t expect such slaughter by the end) were impressive. It might not appeal to everyone, but in many ways, it surpasses most of its competition. I give it 84%. ()


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Englisch Genuinely medieval with a damn good atmosphere, frantic pace, charismatic Pine and, on top of all that, Taylor-Johnson in a real psycho mode. A perfect treat with enough material for an entire miniseries, unnecessarily cut down to 120 minutes. I could definitely handle more. ()

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