Oddball - Retter der Pinguine


Oddball ist zwar kein komischer Vogel, was ihn aber auch nicht unbedingt pflegeleichter macht: Der Maremmen-Abruzzen-Schäferhund stürzt sein Herrchen Allan "Swampy" Marsh aufgrund seiner Tollpatschigkeit von einer Unannehmlichkeit in die nächste und ist so beim Kleinstadt-Richter Judge Burns kein gern gesehener Dauergast. Auch dem Hundefänger Bradley Slater ist Oddball ein ständiges rotes Tuch. Das ändert sich, als Swampy erkennt, dass Oddball eine besondere Pfote für den Schutz der vom Aussterben bedrohten Kleinpinguine besitzt. Swampy kann in einem Testversuch erwirken, Oddball professionell einzusetzen. Der Beginn einer tierischen Freundschaft. (ARD)


Kritiken (2)

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Englisch This film can still please children, simply because it quite successfully works with animals, although it's quite clear that in some scenes, special effects were used instead. Unfortunately, in terms of the story, one can't expect much from it, and overall, it's cloying and even insincere, which is a sad standard for such films. But the penguins are just great. ()


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Englisch Catching this family movie on a Saturday afternoon is almost like a balm for the soul because I remember the time when the Czech Television played one family movie after another at this time and thanks to this, I came across some really good adventure stories every once in a while. And I have to admit that Oddball and the Penguins didn’t disappoint me at all. This movie actually has a great premise and great shots of the absolutely amazing nature of Australia, which is different behind every corner and is incredibly rugged. It is a shame, though, that the locations were so nice, because from time to time I felt like the actors were acting out the outdoor scenes in a studio rather than somewhere in a savanna. But otherwise a very pleasant family movie. The home of the penguins reminded me of Scandinavia. I don’t even know why. Maybe that’s another thing that confirmed to me how diverse Australia can be. ()