Monty Python's Fliegender Zirkus

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Die Komiker von Monty Python haben sich mit Witz, Einfallsreichtum und perfektem Timing einen Namen gemacht – OK, vielleicht auch noch durch Verkleiden und Nachäffen. (Netflix)

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Monty Python's Fliegender Zirkus (1969) 

Englisch What to say about the Monty Python's Flying Circus sketches? Brilliant! Timeless! Incredibly funny! Unparalleled! I don't think anyone's ever come up with anything better. Granted, the last season wasn't as good as the previous three but considering that the series was made between 1969 and 1974 and it has been making me laugh out loud for almost thirty years, that's really saying something. The Pythons' humor is incredibly timeless and the lines from some of the sketches are perfectly applicable to everyday life. But now for something completely different... ()

Season 1 (1969) (S01) 

Englisch I immensely enjoyed the first season of Monty Python's Flying Circus. No wonder – it delivers exactly the kind of dry, almost cynical, and, above all, politically incorrect humor that I love, and which isn’t much appreciated nowadays. Even though there’s no official censorship, I don't think the Pythons would get away with it today, especially seeing what a horrible country Britain is turning into these days. Luckily, this series is practically timeless. I own the whole collection of everything the Pythons ever made, so couldn’t care less about censorship... ()

Quo vadis, Kanada? (1969) (S01E01) 

Englisch Perfect start of a perfect sketch series. In 1969, something was created that, in my opinion, cannot be surpassed, at most there can be an attempt to imitate (usually futile). What came after the opening titles (by the way, great ones) can only be described as a whirlwind of humor. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart hosted Famous Deaths, Italians participated in an Italian course, the program Here comes culture brought an interesting interview with Arthur "Two Huts" Jackson, and the thrilling cycling race of painters and the Deadly Joke almost killed me. ()

Sex und Gewalt (1969) (S01E02) 

Englisch The second episode of Circus was not as crazy as the first one, but Flying Sheep, Marriage Counseling, Mice and a glimpse into the life of a London playwright and his rebellious son, who found his future in mining, absolutely captivated me. The man with three buttocks was just an added bonus. ()

Wie man verschiedene Baumarten von ziemlich weit weg erkennt (1969) (S01E03) 

Englisch I liked the third part of the first season more than the previous episode. The court case due to bad parking, with a fine of thirty shillings, turned into a thrilling drama thanks to John Cleese. After this start, F.G. Superman, a bicycle repairman played by Michael Palin, was absolutely superb. Immediately after that, Eric Idle shone while reading fairy tales, as well as in a luxurious restaurant setting, where his performance was overshadowed by chef John Cleese. I was in tears of laughter. And to top it off, they added the dangerous lives of British milkmen and again Eric Idle in his Crushing, Crushing sketch. Perfect! ()

Wie man Eulen streckt (1969) (S01E04) 

Englisch Michael Palin opened the episode in grand style with his clothed double, Terry Jones's Gallery and strip-tease didn't impress me much, but after John Cleese's self-defense course and the crazy action scenes in the London bookstore, it was decided to give it five stars. ()

Die Identitätskrise der Menschen in der 2. Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts (1969) (S01E05) 

Englisch Once again, I cannot criticize the episode in any way because I had already been blown away by Kočkozmat, immediately followed by a sketch from the customs office in which both John Cleese and Michael Palin were absolutely brilliant. And as if the absurdity wasn't enough, there was an interview for a managerial position that seriously tortured my brain cells, and even then I don't think I would be able to succeed even if there were still available positions. The conclusion belonged to Eric Idle, who came up with an interesting innovation in encyclopedia sales. ()

Es ist Kultur (1969) (S01E06) 

Englisch From the beginning of the sixth episode, it was clear that this time the main target of criticism would be the BBC itself. The show here, culture, did not convey anything at all with many words, and strongly reminded me of various pseudo-erudite discussions that occasionally take place on Czech Television. It was followed by a sketch about criminals who desperately avoided all illegal activities and a police hygiene unit who would probably be very surprised by what Hamé's cans contain. I had a great time with The Boring Life of a Stockbroker from the City and the Indian in the theater, and the conclusion was dominated by Graham Chapman as the head of the 20th Century Vole. ()

Du verdirbst mir den ganzen Spaß! (1969) (S01E07) 

Englisch The seventh episode initially seemed weaker to me, despite the deployment of camel patrols, but I really enjoyed the invasion of Puddings with the aim of taking over the Wimbledon tennis tournament, especially the transformation of the Welsh Guard. With all the idiotic news that the British are now introducing into their lives, I realize that this series will probably never be broadcasted there anymore. ()

Vollkommen hüllenlos (1969) (S01E08) 

Englisch The eighth episode was simply excellent, each sketch was stopped before the punchline, which Python could have a trademark for. The ideas for each scene were great, the military unit facing rocket fire, buying a bed and especially the mattress and the cunning grandmothers were very entertaining for me, but the Dead Parrot sketch won on all fronts, in which John Cleese and especially Michael Palin excelled. I just have a feeling that this sketch works as an instructional video for people dealing with complaints. ()

Ameisen: Eine Anleitung (1969) (S01E09) 

Englisch The great introduction of the ninth episode acquaints the viewer with the physiognomy of the llama, which lives in all the larger South American rivers. The following sketch from the barbershop contains a famous lumberjack song, later we are introduced to a typical example of an English hunt, and in the end, Graham Chapman organizes a party he didn't even know about. This episode of Circus is again full of English humor, absurdity, and fortunately also completely intolerant jokes, which I love so much. Five stars were inevitable. ()

Untitled (1969) (S01E10) 

Englisch This time I had to lower the rating because the very good skit about textiles and Luigi Vercotti with Ron Jasný remained a bit isolated at the top. The other sketches were of good quality, but the Pythons clearly showed that they can do better. For example, the Terrier remake cannot compare to the Dead Parrot sketch. ()

Das Royal Philharmonic Orchestra geht aufs Klo (1969) (S01E11) 

Englisch The eleventh episode seemed even weaker to me than the previous one, only Inspector Tiger and the show Interesting People really caught my attention. Nevertheless, I cannot bring myself to give it less than four stars because in terms of humor, Monty Python is a clear above-average for me. ()

Spektrum (1969) (S01E12) 

Englisch Excellent! With its twelfth episode, Cirkus returned to its best performances, so I didn't have to hesitate for a moment about the rating. The show Spektrum with Mr. Hilter and his companions clearly dominated, closely followed by the sketch Pitomec of the Year from the upper class. These two sketches contained everything I love about dry English humor. Skokani, The report of a robbery, Marriage proposal, and the minister's fall episode complemented it nicely, so I could be satisfied again. ()

Kurze Unterbrechung (1969) (S01E13) 

Englisch The final episode of the first season began unusually with a break, followed by a sketch from an extremely strange vegetarian restaurant. The very short sketch with the albatross had an incredibly strong impact on me, and even now I occasionally dream that I hear John Cleese shouting, "Albatross!" The beginning of the police sketches reminded me very much of the movie "The Mysterious Castle in the Carpathians," and I also enjoyed the Historical Imitations and the visit to the psychiatrist. So, the end of the first season was successful, and onwards to the second season! ()

Season 2 (1970) (S02) 

Englisch The second season of the Circus was just as great as the first. It includes such gems as The Ministry of Silly Walks, The Spanish Inquisition, and How Not to Be Seen. It boggles the mind how Monty Python could get past BBC censorship. Especially “Royal Episode” that concluded the second season, featuring cannibalism in the Navy and not even sparing her Majesty, somehow had to sneak in unnoticed. To say this is good work would be an understatement. I think the Pythons are comedy geniuses. ()

Im Angesicht der Presse (1970) (S02E01) 

Englisch The second season of the Circus started grandly. The opening episode started slowly with the skit "Under Pressure of the Press," but the following skit about a new stove clearly showed that the show "OPBH" has always worked everywhere, regardless of whether it is a democratic or totalitarian regime. The rest of the episode was completely dominated by the "Whip Walk" and the terrifying story of the Piranha Brothers. I had a great time, and John Cleese's performance would make even an experienced gymnast proud. ()

Spanische Inquisition (1970) (S02E02) 

Englisch The second episode of the new series was again luxuriously funny. I enjoyed the discussion about taxation of you-know-what and the courtroom shenanigans, classic texts processed using various signaling methods. But the whole episode was completely dominated by the cunning Spanish Inquisition, which I absolutely did not expect. One of my favorite roles of Michael Palin. The inhumane smothering with soft cushions and twisted use of a comfortable armchair could have caused discomfort for weaker constitutions, but the Inquisition was simply cruel. ()

Heiß (1970) (S02E03) 

Englisch Even though the third episode was a little weaker than the previous two, it was saved for me by the airplane hijacking and the show Tady duševno, which focused on the phenomenon of deja vu and once again featured Michael Palin shining. Every time I watch the Pythons, I feel sorry that we don't have anyone who could do something similar instead of the oddities that usually arise here and are expected to make us laugh. ()

Die Buzz Aldrin Show (1970) (S02E04) 

Englisch In the fourth episode, the Pythons attacked the Freemasons with an Architectural sketch, while the Insurance sketch brought a Bishop onto the scene, who turned out to be a pumped-up, action-packed, Christian spectacle. The attempt to improve living conditions by assigning a poet to each family was bizarre, and then came the question that is not usually answered enthusiastically in public: "Who has syphilis here?" ()