Jo Koy: Comin' In Hot

  • Österreich Jo Koy: Comin' In Hot (mehr)
USA, 2019, 60 min


Jo Koy

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Der Stand-up-Comedian Jo Koy amüsiert Zuschauer in Hawaii mit kulturellen Kuriositäten, seiner ungefilterten Beziehung zu seinem Sohn und anderen Lektionen des Lebens. (Netflix)

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Englisch Chelsea Handler kept mentioning Jo Koy in her special so much that she convinced me it was worth checking him out. And boy, was I glad I did! His Hawaiian performance was so entertaining that I couldn't resist giving it a five-star rating, even though the repeated sentences grated on me a bit. But in the end, it didn't matter much because Jo Koy won me over with his exploration of topics that don't often get the spotlight due to political correctness. It was a blast, and I'm definitely planning to catch his other two specials on Netflix. / Lesson learned: Malcolm was a brilliant prop. 5*- ()