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“Lone Star” spielt - wie der Titel schon vermuten lässt - in Texas, und zwar in Frontera, einem kleinen Kaff Nahe der mexikanischen Grenze. Hier leben Weiße, Schwarze, und Texaner, die den größten Teil der Bevölkerung ausmachen. Selbstverständlich gibt es dann auch hier und da Auseinandersetzungen zwischen diesen Bevölkerungsgruppen, aber darum geht es nur am Rande… (Verleiher-Text)


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alle Kritiken

Englisch Lone Star is supposedly one of the movies I should have on my bucket list. But it’s also one of the most boring movies ever; I was scared that I was gonna die of boredom. And I admit that the premise is clear. It introduces you to a white European and compares them to everybody else. The result was supposed to be the fact that we’re all equal, but not everybody in this movie seems to accept that. The rules in this movie are set in stone. On one side, there are racists that would dress up in a Ku Klux Klan robe if they could. And on the other side, there is the rest, fighting for their rights. And somewhere in-between is a Lone Star, walking on a very tense tightrope. A shame. I expected this to have a whole different energy. Based on an interesting story, there’s this absolutely mediocre, even below-average protagonist. ()


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Englisch A film that starts off looking like a thriller, something along the lines of The Silence of the Lambs, but after a while, it changes and you're watching something very similar to the comic "Scalped." It has a similar intensity and deals with similar themes, where you also get a fairly interesting case, the point of which is quite unexpected, although not directly disarming. ()


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