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Die Geschichte beginnt in Polen, wo ein 4 Jahre altes Mädchen aus einer der umliegenden Städte verschwindet. Ihre Mutter findet bald heraus, dass die russische Mafia ihre Tochter entführt hat. Als die Frau zu einem Grenzübergang eilt, um ihr Kind zu retten, wird sie von einem Polizisten, Robert Goc, wegen überhöhter Geschwindigkeit angehalten. Das Eingreifen der Polizei verzögert die Verfolgung, und das Kind wird hinter der Ostgrenze entführt. Schon bald wird Robert, der sich schuldig fühlt, weil er die Entführer nicht aufhalten konnte, in eine internationale Ermittlung verwickelt, um ein Mädchen zu finden. Die Spur, die zu der entführten Ola führt, taucht ein paar Jahre später in Russland auf. (Kinostar)


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Englisch "This is the only passage in the Bible where Christ says: A man who commits sin against a child deserves to die." Ultimate hell! Patryk Vega! The Polish butcher delivers a new film in which he crosses absolutely all boundaries and taboos, this is heavyweight exploitation of the greatest evil that will make you scream, cry, have your stomach clenched and hold your hands in fists! After mobsters, football hooligans, hookers and gritty crime dramas, Vega now takes on the most sensitive subject of all, pedophilia, human trafficking and child prostitution, and it's an insane emotional chilling hell. The Russian mafia kidnaps Polish girls and smuggles them into Ukraine, Moldova, England and Thailand, turning them into brainwashed sex-slaves, and I couldn't believe my eyes at how unashamedly Vega presents this material to the audience. The main character is a police officer who has been fighting pedophiles for 12 years and promises one mother that he will bring her little girl back, and this turns into an international manhunt for the fastest growing criminal organization in the world- Trade-sex-slaves. 1.5 million children are sold annually! From the beginning of the film, Vega had me riveted to my seat and swept me away with an uncompromising atmosphere with chilling dialogue and scenes (the gore is less than usually is in his films, but here I say thank God). There’s a scene where an 11 year old pregnant girl dressed as a prostitute jumps in front of a train and then they show what's left of her; it shattered me to millimeters. To make matters worse, Vega also manages to cram in a crazy Satanic cult that performs ritual sacrifices on children, and I have to say that the den, with its caged children and perverted rich men in masks accompanied by screaming and pain, was reminiscent of a living hell on earth. A nasty, evil, authentic and chilling flick that will sway even the most hardened. In Poland, weaker characters fled the cinemas, so watch out, you're in danger of a few days of depression. Emotional inferno and Polish exploitative twisted purgatory! The only downside I see is that the better half of the film is spoken in English and it slightly devalues the performances, but given the theme and form, this is a Vega genre masterpiece. Story 4/5. Action 3/5, Humour 0/5, Violence 5/5, Fun 5/5 Music 4/5, Visuals 4/5, Atmosphere 5/5, Suspense 5/5, Emotion 5/5, Actors 3/5. 9/10. ()

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