Shadow in the Cloud

  • Neuseeland Shadow in the Cloud
Trailer 2


Mitten im Zweiten Weltkrieg: Die Air-Force-Pilotin und Flugzeugmechanikerin Maude Garrett (Chloë Grace Moretz) wird mit der Mission beauftragt, einen Koffer mit streng geheimem Inhalt zu befördern und sich dafür an Bord einer B-17 Flying Fortress zu begeben. Die rein männliche Besatzung ist über die Anwesenheit der jungen Frau nur wenig begeistert und verweist sie auf den Platz im kugelförmigen Waffenturm am Rumpf des Bombers. Von dort aus beobachtet sie eigenartige Schatten an den Tragflächen und sichtet feindliche Kampfflieger zwischen den Wolken. Doch die Männer nehmen ihre Warnungen nicht ernst. Erst als es Maude gelingt, einen gegnerischen Luftangriff mit dem eingebauten Maschinengewehr abzuwehren, beginnt die Crew, die wahre Identität der unerwünschten Passagierin zu hinterfragen. Doch die misstrauischen Kollegen sollen nicht ihr einziges Problem bleiben: An Bord der Flying Fortress macht sich eine unheimliche Kreatur an den Geräten zu schaffen und attackiert die Besatzung. Maude setzt nun alles daran, um ihre wertvolle Fracht zu schützen. (Capelight Pictures)


Kritiken (4)

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Necrotongue booo!

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Englisch Horror... The true horror was me having to sit through this trash. I'm left wondering what on earth the creators of this movie were thinking when they greenlit, funded, and filmed this brain diarrhea. Each individual part of the story was mind-numbingly stupid, but when these nonsensical elements collided to form one bizarre whole, it was like the proverbial shit just hit the fan. And suddenly, it was everywhere. The only saving grace for me was Kate Bush during the end credits, but even her ethereal music couldn't salvage anything. / Lesson learned: If you ever get the bright idea to concoct a story involving a B-17, a monster, a child, a woman, a black person, feminism, and chauvinism all set in 1943, do yourself a favor and find something more productive to do. ()


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Englisch Can girl power films be a bit less stupid for God’s sake? Shadow in the Cloud is a quite competently made action B-movie that I quite enjoyed in the first half. But then they reveal what Moretz is actually doing on that plane, which I found extraordinarily cheesy. And the bollocks that follows it, I wasn’t ready for that. Maybe if I was a bit pissed… ()


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Englisch A strange genre mash-up that one minute tackles toxic masculinity and a few minutes later has former Hit-Girl fighting a gremlin who wants to tear her bomber apart. And occasionally shoots down Japanese fighters. Shadow in the Cloud is a movie that awkwardly mixes a bunch of completely different things together, resulting in a weirdly disparate mess that's lucky in that it features a nifty actress in the lead role and the whole thing doesn't run too long. This genre incoherence makes Shadow in the Cloud a pretty interesting film. Good but not very good. ()


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Englisch The beautiful Chloë Grace Moretz in a one-girl show as a war pilot with secret documents one a plane full of men with prejudices. It’s not as bad as the rating makes it look, but they could have done a better job. Sometimes it can be funny thanks to the wisecracks, and, thanks to the adequate running time of 80 minutes, it doesn't get boring. The action is okay, there's also some blood, the music is very good, and the monster looks quite nice – I really liked the final fight in particular. It's not really a horror, rather a war action drama with one little monster. Story**, Action***, Humor***, Violence**, Entertainment***, Music****, Visuals***, Atmosphere***, Tension***. 5/10. ()