
Many local dignitaries are gathered at an auction organised by the notary Dr Jan Karas at Lučín castle to sell off the belongings of the late count. Most interest is aroused by a portrait of a beautiful noble girl, but no-one buys it because it is said to be cursed. Until the young count arrives to decide what to do with the portrait, Karas keeps it at home. Fascinated by the beauty of the girl, Karas spends hours in front of the portrait. Then one day he kisses it and the girl comes to life and steps out of the picture. Karas is the more amazed by her accurate use of Old Czech and by her great knowledge of historical circumstances that existed about three centuries earlier. The girl introduces herself as countess Blanka of Blankenberg, and has no intention of getting back into the canvas. Karas, envious of the increasing number of admirers she is attracting, decides to pass her for his niece. But Blanka turns out to be the niece of a friend of his who wanted to play a trick on him. Blanka, whose real name is Vlasta, explains everything to him and does not hide her affection for him. The happy man does not miss his chance but heads straight to the wedding ceremony hall with her. (Verleiher-Text)



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milan1971m Digitale Kopie
Lukas2776 DVD
DiegoS DVD
raduna01 DVD
raduna01 DVD