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Kritiken (975)


Kin'yū hametsu Nippon: Tōgenkyō no hito-bito (2002) 

Englisch Shangri-La provides further proof that the perception of Miike as a director who delights in perversity and violence was extremely limited even at the time of his greatest fame. Miike is simply a creative director who can imaginatively bring any screenplay to life (he has only ever written one screenplay himself, when the screenwriter got sick; otherwise he has made films based on other people’s screenplays and ideas). In Shangri-La, he has thus created a social comedy that subtly celebrates the solidarity of ordinary people against the all-consuming power and heartlessness of the capitalist system. The tale of a wise and resourceful leader of a homeless community who, together with a writer whose inspiration has abandoned him, saves a small businessman from insolvency can make an almost classical impression. After all, the film’s playful depiction of a group of people from the fringes of society resembles Kurosawa’s Dode's-Ka Den, but we will also find here allusions to the iconic compositions of people on the banks of the river in Yasujiro Ozu’s films. We can find Miike’s creative signature in the film in the overall exaggeration and levity, which is apparent primarily in the various satirical moments. In addition to that, the film features actors who frequently collaborate with Miike, particularly Sho Aikawa, a famous portrayer of tough cops and yakuza gangsters from B-movies, who plays the atypical comedic role of the protagonist. The shooting of scenes on busy streets without in any way hindering the movements of passers-by is another typical trait of the film.


Night Wars (1988) 

Englisch In the category of action video trash, David A. Prior’s top films, among which Night Wars is a standout, are the equivalent of Steven Spielberg’s films for children. Like E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial and Hook, Prior’s movies have the power to transport us adult viewers back to childhood. Whereas we had to grow up and accept the ambiguity and unsettling incomprehensibility of reality, Prior is still running around with a cap gun in the woods behind his house, where with rose-tinted glasses made up of the aesthetics of eighties action B-movies and guided by juvenile logic, he conducts one heroic battle after another. As the Peter Pan of trash, he calls on us to set aside our everyday glumness in which we are mired by today’s “realistic” and “sophisticated” action blockbusters and to return with him to a world which he will straight-up tell us is “a dream. anything can happen”. With Night Wars, he again lays out before us an absurd idea of war corresponding to the perspective of a twelve-year-old boy who thinks black-and-white adventures are now too naïve for him, but whose idea of seriousness and bleakness comes from mainstream comic books and simple-minded war movies. Of course, the film also contains action choreography and dramaturgy that bring to mind boys playing at soldiers, when the enemy’s cannon fodder never hits anything, the best cover in a firefight is a thin tree and the heroes run through the pandemonium of war without helmets (though it must be noted that their eighties manes are certainly more durable than a bit of sheet metal). However, everything that people associate with Prior based on his most famous film, Deadly Prey, is present here only as a substrate for an utterly breathtaking narrative that we can describe as a delirious mix of Platoon (1986), Born on the Fourth of July (1989), Jacob’s Ladder (1990), A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), Inception (2010) and the films of Satoshi Kon, the vast majority of which came out after Night Wars, as can be seen from the years of production. The master’s forward thinking is further confirmed by such eccentricities as a long shot of veterans contemplating the stigma of war on the shore of a lake conceived as a composition in the mould of Yasujiro Ozu and a reference to his own work that was relatively innovative for its time (the protagonist has a poster from one of Prior’s earlier films in his home). After all, the film’s concept indicates that Prior should not be underestimated as a mere action journeyman without a distinctive vision: the nightmares of two Vietnam veterans begin to seep into reality, so they have to venture into their dreams in order to win the war and save a friend who was captured in Vietnam. The numerous details connected with the intertwining of reality and dreams and the transition from reality to dream are paralysing with their inventiveness, as is the bizarre absurdity of the absolutely serious concept. The sequence involving the protagonist’s first journey into his dreams under the watchful eye of his fellow veteran is utterly phenomenal, as it actually breaks the fourth wall of fiction and, like present-day blockbusters, shows us its ideal viewer for a moment and becomes both a guide and a blessing for the desired viewer reaction. The film’s richness of interpretation is confirmed by the fact that the “Vietnamese” are played by guys in blue uniforms that look like pyjamas. Everything is capped off with a brilliant climax in which Mr. Prior – unlike his mentor Winsor McCay – doesn’t merely leave us looking astonished like Little Nemo falling off the bed after a grand dreamlike adventure. No, like a true Peter Pan, he staves of the nightmares and again lays before us an enchanted place in the forest where his lost boys with cap guns can still go out and play.


Dylan Dog: Dead of Night (2010) 

Englisch Thought Dylan Dog: Dead of Night is an utterly forgettable comic-book movie, it is likable in that it takes itself seriously and proudly stands apart from the current trend of dragging comics into the realm of reality.


The Video Dead (1987) 

Englisch The Video Dead, another magnificent ode to the magic of the absolute frame (what is not seen in a shot doesn’t seem to exist, and not even the characters in the film can see it or they only notice it when it enters the shot), unexpectedly captivates with both a premise and a concept of zombies that are entirely original. The idea of a television from which anything appearing on its screen enters the real world (it’s a shame that it only has two channels, on which a talking head occasionally pops up) is great. With his bizarre trash flick, amateur director Robert Scott was actually ahead of his time, getting a jump on the Japanese cult movie Ring by a number of years. What’s even better is the film’s insight into the mental state of zombies, which apparently attack people because people’s fear reminds the zombies that they are dead. This absolutely unpredictable movie offers sufficiently openminded and slightly drunk viewers entertainment that is spectacular and nonsensical, though we can only guess the extent to which that nonsense was intentional.


Zhong Nan Hai bao biao (1994) 

Englisch The Bodyguard from Beijing to a large extent copies The Bodyguard starring Kevin Costner, but it also surprisingly seems to have taken a lot of inspiration from Red Heat, which is manifested in the mutual ribbing between the Chinese bodyguard with machine-like efficiency and his counterpart, a simple, sedate cop from Hong Kong. The film belongs to a group of productions that calmed the intense emotions that people felt in the period before the handover of Hong Kong to China and, instead of ominous visions of devastation and decline, showed that mutual cooperation could be a path to success and prosperity. And thus, whereas in the original Hollywood movie Whitney Houston makes the plane stop so that she can bring her ambiguous relationship with her bodyguard to a clear conclusion, in the Hong Kong version the heroine’s call for her rescuer rather suggests her awakening from her negative prejudices against China and her yearning for the moment when they can finally fall into each other’s arms following the handover in a few years. After all, most of the film is based on the Chinese and Hong Kong sides sizing each other up, so the casting of Jet Li (who is rather ideologically engaged here as a positive example of a Hong Kong megastar with a Chinese birth certificate) and the master Corey Yuen’s directing raise the expectation that there will be some action-movie death, but those who anticipate that will have to wait until the end, when the film finally rewards patient viewers with Yuen’s typically spectacular choreography overflowing with ideas.


The Berlin File (2013) 

Englisch Ryoo Seung-wan squeezed his way into the Korean film industry as a self-taught enthusiast whose dream was to make aggressive action films built on the attraction of actors and making minimum use of stunt doubles. After his rapid rise to ever bigger budgets and more sweeping action spectacles was brought to a halt by the box-office failure of the comic-bookishly overblown foolishness of Dachimawa Lee, he returned to the action genre with the simple but formalistically refined dialogue-based thriller The Unjust. Ryoo’s new film, The Berlin File, is a spectacular action comeback that bears the signs of lessons learned from previous failures and shows viewers a polished director at the peak of his powers. The Berlin File successfully plants the South Korean flag on the soil of the previously exclusively Hollywood genre of action-packed spy thrillers shot in international locations. The film’s creators strive hard to give the standard formula a local flavour with motifs involving relations between South and North Korea, but these are rendered in a strictly black-and-white form that plays, in the manner of tabloids, with the fiendishness of the North Korean usurpers of power. Purely in terms of genre elements, the screenplay also tries a little too hard, particularly in the countless twists in the style of switching sides and allies, which can lead to a feeling of apathy among viewers. Fortunately, however, Ryoo regularly goes back to the action sequences, which are built on maximum intensity and imaginative staging. Every conflict has some small detail that gives the action a bit of originality and purposefulness, while at the same time guaranteeing that the sequences stick in the viewers’ memory thanks to their eccentricity and unusualness. Whereas post-Bourne American action films are focused on creating an impressive jumble that’s held together only by the soundtrack and music, Ryoo always uses these expressive details to make the action clear and he sets it firmly in the given space, which becomes a part of the overall attraction. The introductory part of the film is brilliant in this respect, as it establishes expectations by drawing attention to the strangely shaped wound on the backs of the protagonists, the origin of which is explained in a long flashback passage. The final fight between the protagonists and the villain is enhanced by the work done with the setting comprising broad ropes of tall grass with scattered boulders and, in particular, the aggressive choreography with well-thought-out elements inspired by MMA.


Příběh kmotra (2013) 

Englisch According to the main protagonist, the mobster Vedral, the worst thing is to die of fear. That is perhaps what the filmmakers said to themselves, so the most notable aspect of Story of a Godfather is its complete predictability – not in terms of plot twists, however, but in terms of the whole concept. If we approach the film as if it’s another addition to the bountiful czechsploitation category, it has absolutely nothing with which it could surprise us. This is how it differs from other czechsploitation movies of recent years, such as Kajínek, Unknown Hour and Czech Made Man, where it was possible to appreciate at least the genre and stylistic ambitions of the filmmakers or, conversely, to laugh at their artlessness and incompetence. Story of a Godfather is just a straightforward tabloid feature-film version of an investigative-journalism TV show that indirectly confirms for us the decadence of contemporary Czech society, whose prejudices and values it indirectly reflects.


Mo yu fei long (1991) 

Englisch The Stone Age Warriors is a telling illustration of the era when Hong Kong cinema was at its absolute peak. Where else than in an industry that enjoys immeasurable power and, thanks to its popularity at home and abroad, has a guaranteed supply of funding, would it be possible for a talented novice director to be given responsibility for a project shot almost entirely in foreign locations? Thanks to strong foreign demand for local action productions, that absolutely could happen in Hong Kong in the late eighties and early nineties. At that time, after all, foreign locations were not solely the domain of top-tier productions with major stars, but also of outright B- and C-movies. Proof of this comes in the form of The Stone Age Warriors, which offers a pure, though unfortunately less successful example of Hong Kong B-movies of the aforementioned era conceived based on the principles of the cinema of attractions. To expect a sophisticated or even an ordinary formulaic screenplay from a Hong Kong B-movie is of course nonsense, but this film’s narrative pretexts for chaining together attractions establish a new level of sloppiness even for the Hong Kong practice of brainstorming sessions over the screenplay. Whereas elsewhere the plot motifs that have been raised eventually circle back and are somehow resolved, nothing of the sort happens here. Not only do we not learn in the opening sequence where the scientist and his retinue are going or for what purpose before the natives attack them, but no one troubles themselves with the other motifs either. Everything is thus merely a pretext for incorporating more attractions. Unfortunately, this time the attractions don’t comprise so many action scenes, for which the viewer has to wait nearly until the end, but shots of the aforementioned foreign locations, which are interspersed with insipid humorous sequences based on the hick concept of “one of ours in a foreign land” or, more specifically in this case,  “a spoiled urban lady in the wilderness”. The result is a mish-mash of scenes that borrow elements from Romancing the Stone, Armour of God and vaguely even from Predator, but if viewers expect more from the film than just shots of African natives and sequences involving running to and fro in the rain forest, they will be disappointed. The Stone Age Warriors is now rather a memento of the Golden Age of Hong Kong cinema and a noteworthy curiosity for enthusiasts who are interested in the background of the director of Police Story 3.


Ji zhan (2013) 

Englisch In the past five years, Dante Lam has come out with ever more spectacular and bombastic action films, but this time he has dispensed with all of the grandiose and sophisticatedly staged shootouts, chase scenes and explosions in favour of an intimate sports drama from the world of MMA in his best film (so far). As a trainer says to his student in the film, “you have to know why you are standing in the ring”, Lam built his fresh variation on the classic Rocky theme on that exact principle. Though he previously attempted to add a dramatic undercurrent to the spectacular attractions, his films’ narratives were ultimately afflicted with a serious case of kitsch (The Viral Factor) or overwrought would-be bleakness (Fire of Conscience). In Unbeatable, however, the genre formulas are well balanced with unforced sentimentality and, together with the great charisma of the two lead actors and the brilliantly shot fight scenes, comprise a coherent and maximally captivating whole. Furthermore, on all of the above-mentioned levels, Lam always presents viewers with something more than just the standard. Though the narrative faithfully retains the iconic elements of the genre established in Rocky, it also brings forth its own enriching elements and twists. The characters are likable if only because their reasons for getting in the ring are more pragmatic and personal than merely the motivation to win and to prove something to the world. That alone would be enough for the fights to have a great dramatic edge, but thanks to Lam’s directing, they are also supremely intense spectacles that are so compelling that they cause the viewer’s muscles to tense up. The fights and training sequences work superbly thanks to the excellent actors, who are not only able to convey all of the dramatic aspects of their respective roles, but were also willing to physically transform themselves into athletes as they prepared for the film over the course of nine months. In this and other respects, the film’s brightest light is Nick Cheung, who at the age of forty-five underwent a complete physical transformation and, furthermore, reached a whole new level as a dramatic actor. After Dante Lam seemed to have become a stone-cold specialist in increasingly ambitious yet essentially empty attractions, with Unbeatable he found it in himself to deliver a gripping performance as a director. As was the case with The Beast Stalker, he is again deservedly   reaping nominations for annual awards and high box-office revenues, and we can again look forward with great expectations to what he will come up with next.


Bastardi 3 (2012) booo!

Englisch The white knight became a white buck-passer, or Tomáš Magnusek’s exploitation trilogy reached its inconsistently messianic end.