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Kritiken (10 821)


Zurück bleibt die Angst (1981) 

Englisch I had not read Peter Straub's original book when I saw the movie adaptation of Ghost Story, although I can say that I definitely enjoyed the movie. There are some great stories, and the old men are great, even though it has to be noted that the action-packed scenes are more interesting without them, except for the conclusion that is. The movie definitely benefited from the sex scenes, which seemed rampant at times and brought the movie to life. I had a lot of fun watching it.


Scarecrows (2017) 

Englisch The Canadian horror production Scarecrows is a movie for the undemanding viewer who does not mind that there are some repetitive themes in horror movies that do not feel very innovative. No, there really is not anything original about Scarecrows, although the action-packed scenes are enjoyable enough. It is a fine B-movie that may not be original but is tolerable.


The Bone Snatcher (2003) 

Englisch The British co-production The Bone Snatcher is a pretty fine example of why B-movies sometimes work and are definitely worth watching. It is not always about a great concept. In fact, it is seldom about that. It is usually a rip-off of what has already been made, even though it is about the movie's execution, and I simply loved this example. It is a fine B-movie that does not play around and manages to surprise visually.


Hex (1980) 

Englisch The Hong Kong production Hex is not very interesting, and for a horror movie, it is really weak, as it does not have much atmosphere, especially in the second half of the movie. However, it works as an art-horror movie as it is extremely imaginative and has some very interestingly produced scenes which are a feast for the eyes, and I do not mean just because of the erotic content. The imagination shown is good.


October Faction (2020) (Serie) 

Englisch The problem I see with the October Faction television series is that there are some fairly predictable twists, and the fact that a character shows up when he should be dead is not that surprising either. It is a bit of a safe bet, as the scenes with adults and the organization are not really fun, even though the scenes with the young people and learning about their abilities are better.


To Your Last Death (2019) 

Englisch The American production To Your Last Death is a successful attempt at an animated horror movie. Sure, it is not going to be a movie that will excite everyone. The narrative could use some work, although the characters and their interactions work well. In addition, there is some very nice dark humor in places, and it is well-produced. I like this animation style a lot, even though it is not perfect.


Dr. Heckyl and Mr. Hype (1980) 

Englisch The American production Dr. Heckyl and Mr. Hype is a fine comedy horror that stands mainly on the performances, although Oliver Reed basically has no equal. He boldly pulls the movie off, and every now and then, you really feel that the filmmakers wanted it to be more of a horror movie than a comedy. It does not quite work, although they clearly put a lot of effort into it and that counts.


Sterbliche (2019) (Serie) 

Englisch The French television series Mortel, or its first season, is a tolerable affair. It is about how young people confront something they cannot understand although they could be taken over by it. The characters have to fight for their own souls in a coming-of-age ritual. Will they succumb to the seductions of darkness, or will they not succumb to it and fight for their souls? It is certainly not boring, although it is not always super suspenseful either.


Die Unsterblichen (2018) (Serie) 

Englisch Season one of the Turkish television series Immortals has now finished. It is all pretty much wrapped up and has nothing to be ashamed of. I guess the only problem was that it was not anything special. It was just a fantasy vampire show about two feuding gangs. It is pretty action-packed, although it could do with more, and the execution was a bit low-budget, albeit nothing terrible. This show was simply just another average television series.


Sequence Break (2017) 

Englisch Even though the American production Sequence Break is not an outright narrative movie, it is certainly dramatic, an explicit body horror, and impressive. It has a very strong impact, which was probably the primary intention. In this case, the filmmakers have succeeded in what they wanted to do here. Sequence Break is not going to please everyone, although if it gets under your skin, it will not disappoint.