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  • Action
  • Horror
  • Drama
  • Komödie
  • Thriller

Kritiken (3 462)


Maggie (2015) 

Englisch No, nothing for me. There is a synonym for boring and slow films called drama, an indefinable genre with exactly what I don't like in films. The film has a really minimal lick of horror, the only thing in common is the zombie theme but no zombies, so we're back to square one. I don't even know what to praise here, Maggie is ugly and unlikeable, I didn't care if she died at the end or not. I didn't enjoy Arnie's acting too much, mentally I'm sure he was reminiscing about holding a rotary machine gun in Terminator. The atmosphere was on a similar level to that of a school room during seminar paper called “The Battle of the Intellectuals”. Really a waste of time and partial suffering for me. 1* for Arnie, the second for having successfully finished it. 40%


Parasyte Movie 1 (2014) 

Englisch Out of great concern, a very pleasant surprise in the end. I was lured to the film by the positive feedback from Japan and I certainly don't regret it. The film has perfect visuals and a solid idea and theme. Parasites infect a town, choose hosts that feed on human flesh, but the main character is infected by an alien parasite in his hand instead of his brain and they become friends, ironically working together to eliminate the rest of the infected. I commend the very original monster and some impressive scenes, especially the one with the dismembered bodies of the dead schoolgirls, there's a bit of gore, but I would have liked a bit more gore, but thumbs up, I'm looking forward to the second part as well. 65%


Ex Machina (2014) 

Englisch A nod to a future sci-fi classic. A beautifully intriguing, disturbing, unpredictable and decently suspenseful intelligent thriller that throws in a decent twist in the last half hour, although I had already read the final one, but I still have a positive impression. The film may have a slower pace, but it also lures the viewer's attention with very impressive interiors and a decent soundtrack, at times almost horror-like. Too bad they didn't push the bar at least two notches higher at the end, I would have considered five stars then, still a decent hypnotic cinema experience. 80%


Avengers 2: Age of Ultron (2015) 

Englisch Avengers: Age of Ultron surprisingly exceeded my expectations from the not-so-convincing first movie. Kingsman and Furious 7 were not surpassed, but it gets the third place. The fancy heroes are back with cool visuals, great gags and dynamically engaging action that left me breathless at times. Ultron as a villain is fine but nothing groundbreaking, Quicksilver is awesome, Scarlet Witch is annoying, Vison is fair, nothing needs to be said about the rest. Thor with his hammer and Hulk with his aggression amused me the most. Good entertainment that is cinema worthy. 95%.


Shrew's Nest (2014) 

Englisch It's a pity that the Spaniards didn't have much more courage in the end (the resources and potential here were too high). Shrew’s Nest is traditionally original, intelligent, at times decently suspenseful, underlined by great acting performances, especially Macarena Gómez and her psychopathic role, but it doesn't match the hits of Sleep Tight or The Hidden Face. Decent, but the expectations were a tribute to the above, so I'm saving the higher rating for Sweet Home and Summer Camp. 65%


The Drownsman (2014) 

Englisch I've been looking out for The Drownsman for quite some time now and luckily I got exactly what I expected. A fresh, atmospheric, suspenseful, original and beautifully shot indie ghost story the likes of which hasn't been seen in years. The pace of the film is very decent, the look and voice of the bad guy is perfect (a new iconic horror character no doubt), the very likable young actresses are a delight, especially the protagonist plays very convincingly, and the soundtrack is very decent. The lack of scares is a minus, but the suspense and the villain make up for everything. 65%.


Beautiful People (2014) 

Englisch I have very mixed feelings about this film. The first 50 minutes were crazy boring, almost nothing happened, no action, no blood, the bad guys were decent, especially the bald one, but instead of torture they threatened, which is not my cup of tea. In the last 20 minutes the film seems to change director and the zombies start to appear and the light carnage begins (one smashed head, some guts but nothing major) also nicely decent make-up effects, which is surprising considering the amateurish look. It's not to recommend, but it's survivable out of necessity, the ending is relatively fine. 50%


It Follows (2014) 

Englisch One of the weaker cinema visits this year. I didn't research anything about It Follows beforehand, I didn't even watch the trailer, so I had no expectations, but it's not a very scary horror experience, much less an orgasmic one. On the plus side, there is a fairly original theme and a decent soundtrack that is solidly thumping in places, but I can find a lot more minuses here. The biggest downside is the ending, which explains absolutely nothing, says absolutely nothing, it just pisses me off. Then there’s the visuals, the film literally looks like a Czech film, it has no visual or make-up effects, there’s only normal people – even the negative ones – only without clothes. Moreover, the landscape, the furniture, everything looks purely Czech, from which I deduced, that the film was not at all demanding to make, any skilled Czech director could have made a similar thing without any problem, probably only the soundtrack would not have been so impressive. The film is also quite long, in places it looks more like a drama, there are only about three good atmospheric scenes and to make matters worse, there is also the absence of jump scares. (only the scene in a swimming pool was a pleasure). An attempt to set a new direction, but for me rather unsuccessful. 55%


Der kleine Tod - Eine Komödie über Sex (2014) 

Englisch One of those movies where you're sorry it doesn't have an extra half hour. The Little Death is a decent competitor to Wild Tales, though that one went much more into the thriller genre. This is just a blackly humorous anthology comedy based on sexual escapades, and all the couples have something to offer and definitely impress. I was most amused by Dana and Evie with their costumes and Maeve and Josh with their attempted rape, but even the final couple with their phone calls had great power and charm. Perfect stuff and huge fun. 80%