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Kritiken (7 577)


Victoria - Glaube, Liebe, Hoffnung (2017) (Folge) 

Englisch At last, I can give this episode a five-star rating. The romantic side took a backseat, allowing the spotlight to shine on the Great Irish Famine. Though the episode couldn't fully capture the gravity of this tragedy due to time constraints, the narrative remained incredibly poignant and impactful.


Victoria - Ein königliches Arrangement (2017) (Folge) 

Englisch As I watched the European marriage politics unfold, I couldn't shake off memories of "The Queen of Spain's Beard" episode from the first season of Blackadder. I half-expected to hear, "Cheswick, fresh horses!" any moment. Witnessing the negotiations between my beloved Britain and my not-so-favorite France promised pure entertainment.


Victoria - Die Sünden der Väter (2017) (Folge) 

Englisch Another episode that lacked significant plot developments (aside from the heir to the throne). Surprisingly, though, I found myself thoroughly entertained throughout. It's a shame we won't see Rufus Sewell in the series anymore, but as long as the creators keep up their quality, I'm not too worried.


Victoria - Schuss und Kette (2017) (Folge) 

Englisch The third episode really delved into the contrasting lives "above and below the stairs," offering a detailed glimpse into the disparities. It was interesting to see the characters shedding tears over fictional characters, oblivious to the harsh realities around them. It's like how people donate to children in Africa while ignoring those in need closer to home just because it's not trendy.


Victoria - Das grünäugige Scheusal (2017) (Folge) 

Englisch So, we're in the supposed steam-powered century, right? But blink and there's a computer – no steam in sight. The episode didn't exactly set my world on fire, and there was a bit too much romance for my liking. But somehow, it all came together quite nicely in the end.


Victoria - Die Tochter eines Soldaten (2017) (Folge) 

Englisch The season opener wasn't flawless, but considering how much I enjoyed the first season, I'd say it comfortably earns a solid four stars. My only gripe was how they balanced the drama in Afghanistan with the cook's subplot – felt a bit off.


Chernobyl (2019) (Serie) 

Englisch I often approach highly-rated films and series with caution because it’s happened to me more than once that my opinion completely differed from the majority. With Chernobyl, all my concerns quickly went away. Craig Mazin did an excellent job with the screenplay, the series was imbued with a fantastic atmosphere from start to finish, there was surprisingly little melodrama and an excellent cast as a bonus. Plus, the authors managed to make me remember the total brainwash by the media and school. The propaganda at the time must have broken all records for downplaying the actual events.


Chernobyl - Vichnaya Pamyat (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch In the last episode, two things stood out for me. Firstly, the way they reconstructed the events leading up to the explosion was top-notch and thoroughly enjoyable. Secondly, Comrade Legasov's detailed explanation of how the nuclear reactor functions and the reasons behind the RBMK reactor explosion made me understand it better.


Chernobyl - The Happiness of All Mankind (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch The fourth episode struck me as the weakest (up until now). Sure, showcasing the extensive efforts and scale of the task at hand makes sense. But delving too much into the political races and the final truth debate grated on me. It somehow broke the illusion of witnessing real events that the series had so skillfully built up. Instead, I found myself irritated by the all-too-familiar rhetoric that seems to saturate our present-day discourse.


Chernobyl - Open Wide, O Earth (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch I've been singing praises for the past two episodes, but the third one was even better. Once again, hats off to the creators for crafting an atmosphere that's downright chilling. While today's horror movies often leave me chuckling, Chernobyl sends shivers down my spine. And that funeral scene with the concrete mixer? That's the stuff nightmares are made of.