Disney+ - Streaming-Dienste


Streaming ab 15.03.2013  
Streaming ab 14.03.2013


Streaming ab 13.03.2013
Streaming ab 12.03.2013
Streaming ab 11.03.2013


Streaming ab 10.03.2013


Streaming ab 08.03.2013
Streaming ab 07.03.2013
Streaming ab 06.03.2013
Streaming ab 05.03.2013




MalarkeyDie Fantastische Welt von Oz(2013) 

As it sometimes happens, you get movies reviewed here at Filmbooster that most people would expect to provide them at least with some proper cinematographic entertainment. Well, Sam Raimi is no dummy, so it was clear… (mehr)

NecrotongueDie Fantastische Welt von Oz(2013) 

I might have considered adding an extra star if the creators hadn't shamelessly borrowed from Tim Burton and added colors that reminded me of Pushing Daisies. Unfortunately, the movie didn't quite hit the mark for me.… (mehr)

MarigoldDie Fantastische Welt von Oz(2013) 

OK, I don't know what specifically caught Raimi's attention in the 150th generic version of the plot, i.e., "the hero travels to a fantastic realm where three witches rule, one of whom is evil and only he can defeat her… (mehr)