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ZízaInglourious Basterds(2009) 

I wasn't looking forward to the film, so I kind of secretly thought that if I wasn't looking forward to it, I might enjoy it. Wrong, I didn't. Well, a couple of scenes were really good, but the rest of the movie, the… (mehr)

gudaulinInglourious Basterds(2009) 

If Quentin's sex life resembles his films, then one sexual act equals two hours of loaded nonsense and macho poses, only for his member to helplessly deflate after a few seconds. I have already mentioned in Tarantino's… (mehr)

Isherwood50 erste Dates(2004) 

Memento as a romantic comedy. Considering the fact that Adam Sandler, with his "acting talent," is not capable of carrying the entire film, supported by his long-time friend Rob Schneider, and Drew Barrymore's acting… (mehr)