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Prime Video

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"Who controls the past controls the future: He who controls the present controls the past." +++ "Under the spreading chestnut tree, I sold you, you sold me." +++ "It's not so much staying alive, it's staying human that… (mehr)

lampsE.T. - Der Außerirdische(1982) 

There is no other film in the world that so purely and beautifully shows the mood of its creator as E.T. Spielberg spent his childhood more or less without a father, as a rather asocial dork from the suburbs, with his… (mehr)

JFLAmerican Fighter(1985) 

Today, you just have to shake your head at the fact that this exercise in futility with horribly wretched action scenes could become a hit and a much-lauded classic of pirate video distribution in Czechoslovakia. On the… (mehr)

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