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Kritiken (7 691)


Glitch - Das erste Mal (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch On the surface, this episode seemed packed with plot and action, but here's the thing... They ended up delving into the less significant stuff about individual characters while the main storyline took a backseat. But hey, I guess with only six episodes, they've gotta stretch it out somehow, right?


Glitch - Quintessenz (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch The episode ended up being a tad better than the opener, thanks to William's storyline injecting a bit of substance into the mix. However, I found myself less invested in what was going on with Kate, and James' comeback wasn't exactly something I was eagerly anticipating.


Glitch - Mum (2019) (Folge) 

Englisch The beginning of the third season was pretty bad. It feels like the creators are dancing around crucial details without getting anywhere near the point. They keep introducing new characters, but instead of clarifying things, the story just gets tangled up, turning into something that's starting to smell like a heap of... well, you know.


Glitch - Season 2 (2017) (Staffel) 

Englisch After feeling enthusiastic about the first season, the second one was a sobering experience. At times it felt like watching one of the weaker seasons of Walking Dead or Lost. The plot was terribly stretched out in places, someone was constantly looking for someone else, and there was hardly any actual development of the story. Although there were a few bright moments, I'm not looking forward to the third season very much.


Glitch - Der Brief (2017) (Folge) 

Englisch It's disappointing that most episodes of the second season didn't quite hit this mark. While the final episode had its flaws (like James miraculously identifying the projectile's origin with just a glance), overall, it worked pretty well for me. Surprisingly, I even picked up on some hints that I didn't expect, which was a nice bonus.


Glitch - Die wandelnden Verwundeten (2017) (Folge) 

Englisch Sadly, the creators couldn't quite live up to the success of the first season. The penultimate episode was filled with a lot of empty chatter, and it felt like the undead characters were constantly wandering off and needing to be tracked down. It reminded me a bit too much of The Walking Dead with all that aimless wandering in the woods.


Glitch - In der Pflicht (2017) (Folge) 

Englisch After the last episode, I thought the series was getting back on track, but boy, was I wrong. The fourth episode felt like it hit the brakes hard, especially with Kirsten's investigation dragging on forever with those endless conversations. Even Paddy's storyline isn't hitting the same highs as before. The only saving grace was the twist right at the end.


Glitch - Allzu menschlich (2017) (Folge) 

Englisch Finally, this episode felt like it had some momentum! While the creators stuck to their usual habit of leaving us with more questions than answers, I appreciated the few hints they dropped.


Glitch - Zwei Wahrheiten (2017) (Folge) 

Englisch Well, it seems like the quality took a bit of a dip compared to the last season. Things weren't exactly action-packed back then either, but at least there was a sense that stuff was going down. This time around, the episode did touch on a few potentially important points, but the rest felt like unnecessary filler, just dragging things out.


Glitch - Ein schräger Typ (2017) (Folge) 

Englisch I had high praise for the first season, but the kickoff to the second one didn't quite win me over. The army of undead terminators seems to be growing at lightning speed, and there's a sudden surge in side characters, some of whom might be crucial to the plot... or not. Yet, the main storyline feels like it's hit a standstill. But hey, at least I've learned that when an undead killer comes knocking, it's time to prepare a hot beverage.